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Kol's pov

Me and Davina enter the compound with smiles on our faces as we just came back from seeing a witch who specialises in supernatural pregnancies to find out exactly how far along Davina is and we found out she's 5 weeks pregnant so now we're going to tell Zander and the others, I don't know how they're gonna feel about another child coming into all this but I am beyond excited about having another child, I missed everything with Zander but now I can make up for it with this baby, wow I'm going to be a father of two children, if someone told me a century ago that I would be in love and be a father I would've laugh in their face then killed them but oh how things change and I'm happy with it, the only thing that worries me is Sandra she's lurking around in New Orleans somewhere and wants to harm my Davina all because I didn't love her can't really blame me that woman is bonkers but no fear I will not allow her the chance to hurt Davina, I lost Davina once to death and I will be damned if I lost her to death again, I'm so deep in thought that I don't realise that we're in the living room with my siblings and Marcel sitting in front of us and Hope and Zander are sat next to Rebekah "so we called you in here because me and Kol have some news" Davina says "well speak little witch" Nil says "me and Davina have just found out today that she is pregnant we're having another baby" I say proudly "yay another baby Mikaelson I'm so happy for you" Rebekah squeals "thank you Bekah" I say "it will be nice to have more children running around this baby will bring us closer" says Freya "I'm not really thrilled about another Mikaelson running around but either way I'm getting another grandchild so I'm happy I just hope it doesn't turn out like Kol" Marcel says earning him a swat to the head by Rebekah "quit it with the snarky comments​ Marcel" Davina says glaring at Marcel "sorry" he replies "so I'm getting another cousin?" Hope asks her mother "yes sweetie" Hayley replies to her daughter "yay!" Hope squeals "Zander how do you feel about becoming a big brother?" Davina asks kneeling in front of him "I love baby" he says making everyone smile "what do you want the baby to be?" I ask "a girl" he says "I want a girl too" I say I honestly do want the baby to be a girl don't get me wrong I love Zander and I would love another son but I really want a daughter so I can have a relationship like Nil and Hope have and so I can spoil her but if Davina has a boy that's fine too either way I will love the baby.

So what do you think about another baby Kolvina on the way, stay tuned for more

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