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        I ended up having to walk home from my therapy appointment since my mom had work. And of course, out  of nowhere, Kayla shows up. But she is standing in the middle of the street asking me for help. I stand there and try to ignore her but I start panicking as the light for the opposite side of the street starts turning red. She starts gesturing her hand, telling me to hurry up. 

I start running towards her as I look to the stoplight. It turned green. 

I hurry and grab her hand and start trying to sprint back to the sidewalk but her body was weighing on me. A car was coming for me and I stopped in my tracks with my arm in front of my face, like that was actually going to help us. The car stopped, barely in enough time for us to not die. Of course my life flashed before my eyes.

A lady with long dark brown hair and hazel eyes got out of her car. She looked old enough to have some children of her own. "What in the hell were you doing?", she scolded. Her southern accent came out. "I was just helping-", I turned to look at Kayla, but she wasn't there. My arm was still out and looked like a was holding someone's hand. I wanted to cry. I felt ridiculous. Insane. The lady came up to me and grabbed me by the shoulder, leading me to the passenger seat of her car. She opened the door for me and I entered. Her car smelt like that usual cheap air freshener you get from a checkstand in like... Walmart or something, with a hint of cigar smoke. I turned my head as she entered the driver's side of the car and she sighed after she sat down. She turned to face me and proceeded to look up and down. I felt as if she were either trying to figure out what I was doing out in the middle of the street, judging me, or both.

"Where do you live, girlie"? I pointed backwards. She sighed and made a u-turn. As she was driving it was very quiet. I pointed to the radio,"May I"? "Yes, you may". I turned on the radio and a host started talking. Reports of 3 car crashes that happened today. 2 people killed in one of them and one ended up in flames. Luckily the people got out alive. As for the last one no one got hurt. . . .

I couldn't help but think that if this woman hadn't of stopped or seen me, I could've been one of these reports on the radio. "Thank you... for stopping". She turned to me with a face that I could only describe as ridiculousness. As if I shouldn't have to thank her for stopping. "Uuuuh... you're welcome, I guess". She turned back to look at the road. I started picking at my knee as I kept telling her the directions to my house.

We eventually reached the front of my house. She parked her car and turned to face me again,"Please don't ever do that again. I don't even know you but I was petrified. Imagine if I wasn't going that way and it was someone else? they probably wouldn't have even bothered to take you home", she scolded me like a mother. I nodded my head and turned to get out of the car. "Just be careful, okay"? She sighed as I exited the car and slammed the door. She was one of those people who stays there until you enter your house safely, it was odd as I have never had anyone do that for me. When I entered my house I went straight for my room and slammed the door shut. My body hit the bed and I started to cry into my pillow. . . .


I luckily didn't have any therapy today. I kind of wanted it though. I needed someone to talk to about what happened yesterday besides my mom, she would freak out and never let me out of the house again. 

I just lied here in my bed, covered in my blankets. The air felt quite thin and I felt like I could barely breathe. My chest started to tighten as I felt myself start to shake a little. I got up out of my bed in a hurry and flashed my window open. The rush of cold air from the morning weather was refreshing and hit me like puberty hit Justin beiber. I fell to the floor and held my head up on the window sill. The cold air chilled my hot forehead, it felt too pleasant.

I felt someone watching me."Are you okay"? I turned to see my mom behind me, peeking through the door. She must have heard my loud footsteps when I walked to the window."Yea, I'm alright. Heat flash", I said as I stood up and faced her with my back to the window. The chilling air went up my spine and gave me a cold chill, I didn't really mind it at all. She looked down and closed my door. I sat back down, facing the wind again. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, then opened them only to see Kayla sitting right next to me. I rolled my eyes and got up. Of course she followed me and sat next to me on my bed.

"What the hell was that earlier, Kayla"!? She snorted then turned away, ashamed. "I wanted attention, and I got it. And I wanted to see what you would do-"

"YOU ALMOST GOT ME KILLED, KAYLA! DO YOU NOT EVEN CARE!?", I was furious. I let her back into my life and she does this. She took my hands and started to pray again. I tugged my hands away."No. You're not doing that. I'm not letting you". She stood up and crossed her arms,"Fine then, Olivia". She walked and exited through my window, but she didn't crawl through. She walked through it. I slapped my cheek. Was I tripping out or something? Was I going crazy? I Just saw someone walk through a wall.

I shook my head and walked out into the living room where I saw my mom. She was watching tv and eating chips. There were crumbs everywhere and pieces flew out of her mouth when she laughed. I gave a look of disgust and walked into the kitchen to get myself something to eat. Cereal. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet above me and got the milk. My hand cramped and I lost grip of the milk, it dropped to the floor. "What was that?", my mom yelled from the other room. I looked out of the window to see Kayla, she winked at me, then disappeared. "It was nothing", I yelled back. I let out a sigh of annoyance as I finished making my cereal. I then sat down at the table and began to eat my cereal, but every time I picked up the spoon, my hand would cramp up. I put my hands on my face out of anger and slid them down. My hand kept cramping, so I went back to my room and Kayla was sitting on my bed."Wanna pray, Olivia", she asked in a smartass tone. I rolled my eyes, sat on my bed, and handed her my hands. She did her thing and released. She then shrugged with a cupcake-y smile on her face and left the room.


Please leave comments on what you think. I'd appreciate it a lot.

                                                With love,


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