Annabeth Chase

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Hello my dear readers! I got 23 comments on the last chapter!!! That is the most I've ever gotten! Thank you guys so much! Also I had a poll on who's POV this chapter should be in, and Annabeth won by a total of one vote! Piper came in second, Leo third, Frank fourth, and poor Hazel without a single vote. And the dedication in this chapter goes to SophieAuckram who got the answer right first! and a shout out to Browncardboard who also got the answer right! Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the chapter! Sincerely,




     Annabeth Chase

          Annabeth had never been one for planes. She had been on them before, and they didn't bother her like they did Percy, but the feeling of being trapped in a flying metal box thousands of feet in the air never sat well with her. But now she'd give her right hand to be on a plane and not clinging for life on the back of a dragon.

         Frank had offered to give Annabeth and Hazel a ride in "dragon form" until Hazel saw scenery similar to the one in her dream. She had only done this once before in Utah, when her, Frank and Percy had to go find the tar for Leo, but that had been different. The last ride was smooth, comfortable, and most of all stable. This time the winds were pounding against Frank causing him to do all of these crazy maneuvers just to stay aloft. Annabeth was laying flat against Franks back clutching the edge of his wing in one hand and one of the spikes along his back in another. Hazel was doing the same thing on the opposite side of her. It was safe to say that they were holding on for dear life.

        Suddenly Annabeth's stomach flipped as Frank did a complete corkscrew. "Frank!" Hazel screamed, as her face paled even more than Annabeth thought possible.

           And then, as if they were hit by a train from below a sudden up-draft pushed them a hundred feet higher into the air. Either Annabeth got the air knocked out of her, or the air was getting thinner. And then she couldn't breath at all. "Frank!" Annabeth pounded on his back. "Frank, a-air is t-too thin! G-go down!" Frank went down all right, he went into a straight nosedive.

           Hazel and Annabeth screamed their hearts out as they did a dive straight down. Finally they crashed to the ground, where they were promptly ejected from Frank's back.

          "Ugh," Annabeth groaned as she rolled onto her back.

           "Ow," Hazel whined from her place in the dirt a few feet away. Annabeth saw Hazel turn her head and her jaw dropped.

            "I can't believe it. We crashed exactly where we were supposed to be! There's the cave right there."

          Annabeth surveyed the area and everything clicked. "I believe we are in Delphi, and that cave over there, the one you saw in your dream, that's where the oracle used to live."

         "The oracle? Is that like an auror?"

        "Yes..... But the oracle doesn't kill stuffed animals. The spirit of Delphi over takes a person and speaks prophesies through the host. Rachel is our current oracle."

        "I see. We need to get moving, though. The quicker we get to Athens the better."

         "Agreed. Are you coming, Frank?"

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