Just Keep Running

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I limped and hobbled as fast as I could.  I could hear Dennis screaming in the woods.  He is fast and has both legs.  He can get to me in no time.   I slid down a decline in the woods and crawled behind a rock.   I sat there breathing eratic.  I didn't know where he was, but I cant outrun Dennis.   I tried to calm myself and looked around.   Was that it? The clearing? The possible camp site.

I got up slowly and started off as fast as I could.  I cried my leg hurt so bad, I was pushing myself so hard.   I huffed and puffed and tried so hard.

"Casey!" I heard a loud growl "Stop!" He called.    I kept going.  I made it into the clearing.  There was a left over fire.  It was out.   Someone was here.  They aren't anymore.  I stopped, I dropped to my knees and started sobbing. This was going to be my salvation.   I knew I couldn't run further.   I knew he'd catch up.  I turn around and saw him running toward me.  I closed my eyes and cried.   I made a huge mistake.   He came up behind me and pulled me up he smacked me across the face.  

"I'm sorry Dennis.  I'm sorry, please, Dennis." I pleaded.   My face stung.  He was mad.  He grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulders like it was nothing.  He walked slowly through the woods to go back to that house.  "Don't kill me please.  Dennis I love you! I swear I do.  I can explain!" Still he said nothing.  I squirmed in his arms and it did nothing.   I was a feather to him.   "Dennis. Please let me go.  Set me d-down" I whined and hit his back. 

He brought me back to the house and locked the doors behind us.  The girl, girls downstairs were awake.  They were screaming.   He tossed me onto the couch.

"Don't you dare fucking move." He said and grabbed his spray can and went downstairs.  He came back and the noises stopped.  He had gassed them..

"Dennis... baby. I - I was scared.  I saw the basement.  I knew y-you were gonna take more girls.   I'm afraid of h-him.  The beast.   Dennis please don't kill me." Dennis stared at me angrily.   

"You were all over the ground.   Your clothes are filthy.    Take them off."   He said demandingly and sat in the chair across from me.  

"Dennis."  I whined and slipped off my shirt slowly.   "Dennis please.   I was just scared." I cried.

"I trusted you." He said and watched me.   "Take off the rest."

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