First Kiss

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"I think I loved him you know.   In this weird sort of way.   He put me up on this weird pedestal.  Like, after everything I went through with my uncle for year, I just, I felt dirty, disgusting, used.  I was a waste of space that could disappear and I wanted to be gone. I wished that I could disappear.  He always told me I was perfect, I was pure, I was beautiful.  Like going through what I went through wasn't a curse, it was this weird blessing.  I wasn't trash.  Going through all of that, it made me appreciate life, appreciate my life even though it has sucked so far.   I love him, for forcing me to appreciate who I am and the life I am living.

 Don't thank him for torturing you.  You are thankful for life, not for him showing you that you deserved it." He said and grabbed Casey, I get it.  You've been through alot of abuse in your lifetime.  More than any girl should.  Don't thank him for torturing you.  You are thankful for life, not for him showing you that you deserved it." He said and grabbed my hand getting all serious.   "Life is tough and unfair, I'm sorry for everything you went through.  I'm glad the silver lining is that you feel better about yourself and situation."

"You're right.   He didn't do anything for me." I nodded and squeezed his hand for reasurance. 

Maybe I was wrong about dennis.   Maybe I didn't love him.  I thought I did.  Especially in that house.   I wonder though, if he didn't lock me and take those other girls would I have left?

Would I have fallen for Dennis under some other circumstances.  If I bumped into him at the store and he asked me out would I say yes? If he met me at the mall and pick up something I dropped and returned it, maybe he would have struck up a conversation and asked me out.  Would I say yes to him?

The whole me and Dennis thing might have been just me lying to myself.  I might have only wanted to love him to make my time there better.   I'll admit the sex was great but the man who it was with wasnt.  

Me and Dennis shared intimate parts of eachother.  I know I at least care for him.  I wanted him to get help.   I want him to get better.  


Me and Chris sat on the couch watching the new.   They found all three girls I told them about.     Rebecca was alive. The sisters didn't listen to me and came back when they heard screaming.   The pulled Rebecca out of the shallow water at small section of the river.  They administered cpr for 10 minutes.  They saved her.

But more news to come you know. 

'Four teenage girls were kidnapped and murdered in yesterday morning.  This fits the description of escaped criminal kevin Wendell Crumb.  We urge people to be cautious as this man used to kidnapped and then wait, now with the law close on his tail he is killing right after the kidnapping.   We urge families with teen girls to not talk to strangers, always have someone with you, some girls have gone as far as chopping their hair and dressing as a boy.   The body count is not up to eight and another four were kidnapped but escaped.'

Chris turned the tv off.

"I think that's enough tv for now casey.  I don't think you should be watching tv, well you shouldn't be watching the news." I nodded

"I can't belive it though.   He killed more girls. What if he comes for me.  He'll find me." I said and started shaking.  

"No, no, casey, listen." He said and grabbed the sides of my face.   "I won't let anyone hurt you, especially not Kevin." He said looking at me in the eyes.  "I'll protect you."  

I lunged forward and kissed him. Looking into his eyes, I just needed to kiss him at that moment.  He made me feel safe.  He really cared for me.   Chris didn't push away. He pulled me closer and kissed me back.  

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