It's My Favorite

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'The horde, or so they call him.   Kevin Wendell Crumb had escaped custody four days ago.  Here we all sit wondering wear this notorious man was.   Sources say he has multiple personalities, a group of which have taken over, called the horde.  Now a question we are all left wondering are, are all those suffering with DID a danger to us all? More on kevin Wendell crumbs escape and more about DID coming up shortly. "

I changed the channel.  Half the channels are reporting on Kevin's escape.   Chris has been there for me though.  He only clocks out for five hours to go home and shower and then come watch over me.   I have moved to start sleeping in the bedroom.   I put in a request to have Chris stay here as much as he can.   It was granted with Dennis's escape.   Detective Mayfield sleeps on the couch, he sleeps there when the long shifts get to be to much but he still has to be here for me.   I'm thankful he's here and willing to be here almost 24/7.  

He took me grocerie shopping the other day so I was all stocked up.   He slept here last night and was still sleeping on the couch.  He didn't even wake when I sat in a chair next to him and watched tv.  After I turned the tv off I went to make breakfast.  

I made pancakes.  I got that instant just add water stuff.   I made bacon and eggs and coffee.   Luckily this safe house had a coffee machine.   I bought a ton of creamer.  

I set the plates on the counter top.  It had bar stools.   It seemed less formal than the breakfast table.   I made my way to the living room and shook him. 

"Detective.  Chris.  I made breakfast." I said.  He sat up and pulled the blanket off him. He was in a button up and his slacks.   He wasn't wearing his bullet proof vest.  I guess it hard to sleep in that.  He got up and pulled on his vest.  

"I'm gonna use the bathroom first. I'll be right in." He said and went off.  I went back to the kitchen.  I made my own coffee and sat down and picked at my food. 

He came back in.  It looks like he combed his hair.   It was no longer messed up from sleeping.  He sat down on the end of the counter and I was on the side.  

"Looks delicious, I'm starving." He smiled. he downed his coffee quickly.  I got up and poured him another cup. 

"Thanks." I smiled. I'm glad dedicated he like this instant half prepackaged breakfast.  

"Hey.  I have to go do rounds.  The office is short on officers since kevin or Dennis or whoever escaped.  Officers were injured so we all have been picking up double duty."

"You already work spending most of your time here.  Like I feel like you don't even get a break with me... I'm sorry."

"Don't be.  It's fine.  Seriously.   I'm okay.  They just need help catching up on paperwork and following leads and tips.   I'll just be a few hours then I'll get back.  I'll have an officer drive by every hour to keep an eye on the house."

"Okay." I nodded.  "I guess I can live with that."   I smiled

"Why don't you unpack while I'm gone? You're gonna be here awhile, might as well settle in."

"How did you know I wasn't unpacked?" 

"I check on you when you're sleeping.   I saw your bags were still unpacked."

"Okay." I nodded not sure how to respond.   I guess that better than him watching me sleep for God knows how long.  


I stayed in the living room watching tv curled up on the couch.  I gave the detective one of my blankets to use for when he crashed at night.   I curled up under it since he was gone.   Movies blasting loudly to take my mind off how silent the house really was.  That I was alone.   The blanket smelled like him.   His distinct swear and Cologne.  

I saw a police car drive by every hour almost on the hour.   I was growing tired waiting. Every second Dennis was out and Chris wasn't with me, it made me more nervious. 

He didn't show up until eight.  I was a bit upset think how he said he'd only be a few hours.  I know he has a lot of work to do.  I know that he must be tired and drained.  I'm selfish though.  I want him here with me.   

He knocked before walking in and punched the code in to stop the alarm system from restarting.  I looked to him and he smiled.

In my head I played the scenario over a couple time of him just walking in and smiling and saying 'honey I'm home'.  He wouldn't.  If we were a thing I could six foot two goofball saying that.  He's such a nice caring man. 

"You hungry?  I picked up pizza. I hope you like cheese." He said happily in an excited voice, as if he wasn't tired or drained from working all day.  I know he is because he's out the second his head hits a pillow. "It's my favorite." He smiled

"Me too."

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