I'll Save You

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I made some sandwiches and went down stairs.  Those girls looked shocked to see me. 

They've been here a few days.  They weren't exactly in the fighting mood anymore.  Thank god I wasnt ready to get attacked again.

"I saw you on the news...  I can't believe he still has you." She was upset and scared.  I handed them each a plate.  

"I'm sorry.   Listen.   I'll try my best to find a way out for you guys.   I will." I sat on a bed.  One girl looked toward the staircase and open door. 

"Please don't try it." I said.  She looked at me like I was a monster.

"Why there has to be a way out?!?" She was getting loud and angry.  It's understandable. 

"There isn't.  I tried.  I was in the woods, I almost got away, but he caught me.   There's no escape.  There's bars on the windows, and all the doors are locked.   I've tried.  More than once.   I will try a different save you though." I said. 

"He is going to kill us? Isn't he?" The calmer one asked.   I nodded.

"He ripped them apart with his mouth.  He ate parts of them." I said honestly and started crying myself thinking about that day.  

The girls put their plates aside.  

"I can try and get the key to the front door.  I can make a devirsion.   Then you can run." I said.  "Not today though. Hopefully before  he gets more girls." I said and twirled my thumbs together.

"How are y-you alive?"  One asked

"He like me.  Like likes me.   He didn't kill me because I'm fucked up.  Like scars and stuff.  My uncle hurt me alot so he kept me.   He likes me though so I can use that, to help you escape."  I said.  I tried to be honest as I could.   "Behave.   It'll be harder if he has you guys in different rooms.  Just behave for now. " I begged

"Okay.  But you'll get us out? Promise?" The smaller one asked. 

"Yeah.  I promise.  When you get out.  Find help.  Promise you'll come back for me?" I asked her.

"Why can't you just come with us?"

"I can't run.   My leg is messed up." I said and  lifted my pants leg to show them.  "He bit me.

"That's so gross." The bigger one looked like she wanted to puke.   I pulled the leg down. 

"We'll get you help." They nodded.

"My name is casey by the way.  I told him I'd take care of you guys.  He.  He-"

"He what?"

"I think he was going to make you guys do stuff.   Before I caught him of course.   I stopped him and he gave me the key.  I'm going to make sure he doesn't hurt you.   I'll protect you." They nodded. 

"Thanks casey... I'm Ashley this is my little sister Anne." She said.   They both looked scared.  They both looked like they wanted to run, but knew better now that they know there is no escape. 

"I'm going to Lock the door when I leave.   I'm sorry I have to help him. It won't be for long." I said. 

"Casey." Anne said quickly.  "I'm sorry you're still here.  I'm glad you're alive.   We saw you all over the news."

"We thought we were safe.  You were taken in a, Uhm, parking lot.  That's what the police said on the news.  We were home.  We should have locked the doors." Ashley looked guilty.

"It's not your fault.  Don't blame yourself." I said quietly.  "Doors wouldn't have stopped him anyway." I left and locked the door.  I was going to save them. 

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