Chapter 4

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Tyler's P.O.V
A new guy, huh? Wonder if he's cute...
I get the text from Mark, asking if I want to come record a video. Obviously, I do. When I get there I ring the doorbell and Mark answers, with the new kid by his side. Awww, he looks so young. How old is he? Like 17? Wait that can't be if they were friends in high school. He's so cute though...and his blue hair...I immediately take a liking to this boy when he introduces him self like, "Hi! I'm Ethan, and I'm gonna make you smile." While he himself is smiling.

"Hey, I'm Tyler. Are you sure, cause I'm pretty positive you won't." I respond, not smiling just nodding. "Yeah, our Tyler here is nicknamed 'Stone-Faced-Tyler' because he doesn't smile." Mark adds. "Okay! Well let's do this video!" Ethan shouts and smiles at me.

Mark's P.O.V
Tyler is acting kind of strange...maybe it has to do with the fact that he's just met Ethan and isn't comfortable with him yet. Well that's okay. He'll get to know him soon.

We all gather around a table, in my recording space and I pull out the cards.

••••••••••••••••Time Skip••••••••••••••••••

It's me and Ethan's turn to pull the Christmas cracker because Tyler picked the Rando. I pull it and get the bigger half, winning. "Yes!" I exclaim while Ethan pouts in defeat. We all go to my other room, where there is a tennis ball launcher. Ethan looks scared, so while Tyler is setting it up I whisper "It's not gonna hurt that much, baby." To him reassuringly. We have Tyler throw the tennis ball at the wall and then shoot them out of the launcher to compare.

"Okay!" I say grinning, "Which do you want? Tyler to throw three at you, or the launcher to launch three?"

Tyler's P.O.V
Ethan says he wants me to throw them at him. I don't wanna hurt him...but I don't want anyone to know. I'll just make it look like I threw them hard, but really I'll toss them at him gently. "Okay Ethan! Are you ready?!" I say as Ethan is cowering against the wall in fear, shaking. "Y-yes." Ethan replies. I hurl them at him, one by one. I make one miss, another hit him hard in the back and the last just taps his back softly. He falls to the ground, hurt and I immediately felt bad. "Okay! Back to the video!" Mark says after comforting Ethan.

••••••••••••••Time Skip•••••••••••••••

This time, it's Mark who pulls the Rando, and me and Ethan have to pull the Christmas cracker. I win, which means Ethan gets punished. Again. This time, it's that he has to eat apple sauce. He hates apple sauce. I sort of feel bad, but at the same time it's fun playing this.

Ethan's P.O.V
"APPLE SAUCE?!" I scream at Mark and Tyler. Mark grins evilly, "Yes, apple sauce." He says. I look into Tyler's eyes and see...pity? Pity for me? But as soon as it came, the look was gone and he back back to being Stone-Faced-Tyler.

Mark makes me sit down on his couch and Tyler sits to the left of me, while Mark is going to sit to the right. I sit there silently waiting for torture while Mark is getting the apple sauce. He comes back in two minutes later with two little packets. I groan and he grins even wider. He hands one to Tyler and says, "Open up!" To me. At first I decline, then I finally obey. Letting the mushy liquid enter my mouth.

I try to spit it out but Tyler and Mark are squirting it into my mouth too fast. I look at Tyler, to see a certain look in his eyes. I think it's...lust?!

Tyler's P.O.V
Snap out of it...he's looking at you! As soon as I see Ethan staring at me, I put my mask back on and he relaxes. "Ey gys cn I pit it ot now?" Ethan asks with a mouth full of apple sauce. I finally crack a smile. "HEY!! TYLERS SMILING! I DID IT!!" Ethan shouts, spraying apple sauce all over the floor and me and Mark. "Ethaaaan" me and Mark groan at the same time. We all laugh and smile at each other. Mark checks the time.

"Hey guys, it's about 5 o'clock. Who's hungry?" He asks. "Me." I reply "Oh boy, I am!" Ethan says eagerly. "I'll run to the pizza place and get some. What kind?" Says Mark. "I don't care. I just love pizza!" Ethan says enthusiastically. "Same" I reply, too busy thinking about what I could do while Mark is gone. Mark hugs Ethan and he leaves. That takes care of that.

"So Tyler, whatcha wanna do?" He asks smiling at me. "There's a new thing on T.V I wanna show you, I think you'll be interested." I say, knowing the only T.V is in Mark's bedroom. We walk up the stairs and go into his room. I smirk and let my mask fall as I close and lock the door behind me.

"T-Tyler..? Wh-what are you doing?" Ethan asks fearfully. "Nothing..." I say inching closer. He backs up until he hits the wall. He looks really frightened. I press my body up against his and press my lips to his forehead. I wrap my arms around his fragile little body, feeling the need to protect him. I walk backwards and sit on the bed, dragging him onto my lap. "'s okay. I've got you..." I whisper, not knowing what I saved him from. He looks up at me with a little worry in his eyes, but I can see something else too. Lust.

Well I am a HORRIBLE person! I'm just gonna leave it there. A cliffhanger! Woo! Everyone loves those. Well at least I updated! And I have some good story ideas. Also, should I turn this into a book and delete the other one shots, or keep it at like a five or more part one shot...well it's not really a one shot anymore. But let me know what you think about everything!

Cookie~Chan Out 🍪

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