Chapter 3

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It's been thirty years since Fergus imprisoned Julius, expect time loses meaning for those who don't watch it pass by.

Fergus at the moment is waiting outside his and his mate's room as she prepares to deliver his fourth pup, she has already provided him with 3 sons and he is hoping to make it four.

Fergus waited nervously as his mate continued to scream until she stopped and the pack's healer came and motioned the alpha to come inside.

"So what did you provide me this time" Fergus demanded as he looked at the squirming bundle held within his mates grasp.

"This pup is female, finally," said Fergus' mate as she looked at their newest pup lovingly.

"Since I already have three male pups I'll let this one slide, but the next pup you produce better be male," said Fergus disdainfully.

"I will not produce another pup unless you get rid of all those poor were creatures your keeping as pets," said Fergus' mate angrily as she eyed her mate.

"What are you talking about," Fergus asked calmly but a vein was protruding from his neck.

"Don't you dare play dumb with me I know you've been keeping them against there will get rid of them or I'll tell the entire pack about this" screeched his mate.

"Fine Victoria but remember my next pup has to be male," said Fergus before storming out of their room.

Julius is sitting with the were lion he first watched shift and thought about why the other 'pets' were continually disappearing.

"Hey, wolf, why do you think everyone's gone" asked the were lion as he listened for signs if their 'master'.

"I do not know lion, but I have a feeling they are all otherwise indisposed," said Julius miserably and the lion looked thoughtful for a moment before his eyes sparked with sadness.

"Names Charles what's your's wolf," the lion asked thoughtfully as if trying to remember what 'master' had called him other than pup.

"Mines Julius, pity we have now only got to know each other's names when we have been here for years," said Julius sadly.

A comfortable silence fell over the men as they continued to sit within the confines of their cells.

The silence was then broken by the storehouse door opening and angry whispering about a no-good mate only good for producing pups.

"Alright, pup, lion your the last ones to go so I'll let you go together" hissed Fergus as he chained both Julius and Charles and led them out into the cold night sky.

"Julius this is our chance to escape I'll distract him you shift and kill him" whispered Charles to Julius low enough that only they herd whilst Fergus remained oblivious.

Charles then true to his word started to talk to Fergus. "So mutt what is it for the pleasure we are out on this fine evening," Charles said loud enough to distract Fergus from Julius who was shifting into his black wolf with the silver-tipped tail.

"Well cat my so-called mate will not produce me another heir unless I get rid of you," Fergus said angrily because he was stressed beyond compare because of the new baby and killing all his pets.

Charles noticed Fergus' distraction and tipped his head at Julius wolf who took that as a sign to act and jumped on top of Fergus clamping his jaws around his neck and biting down hard and ripping of Fergus' head and jumping away from his lifeless body. Julius in wolf form then turned to Charles and tilted his head in silent question asking what they were going to do.

"I want you to bite my collar off, then I'll shift and bite of yours off, then we're going to run into the state next door to find clothes and food, oh and don't worry were-lions can run just as fast and just as long as werewolves," said Charles with a chuckle and he motioned to his neck where the steal shackle resided.

Julius nodded at Charles and closed his teeth around the shackle and bit into it and the iron shattered falling from Charles' neck. When The shackle was removed from Charles then shifted into his African lion form his tawny coat and black and tawny mane full as he stood just slightly taller than Julius. He then removed Julius' iron shackle.

With that, both the wolf and the lion set off on their journey towards the state next door. Julius didn't know it but they were headed towards the state in which he was born. Charles smelled prey in the air and the sharp pang of pain in his gut meant he had to take a chance with having Julius help him hunt.

Julius too caught the scent of prey as Charles changed direction and motioned Julius to follow him with a flick of his tail as the tassel caught Julius' eye and he followed after the lion.

They were walking for a good twenty minutes before they came across a herd of bison. Charles swivelled his ears back and crouched low to the ground and softly huffed at Julius.

Julius then relied on what his wolf instincts told him. They told him to stalk around the herd and run the bison towards Charles.

So that is what Julius did, he carefully stepped over dead leaves and twigs making sure to keep out of the bison's line of sight. When he had stalked all the way around the bison and on the other side he raised his tail just so that the grey tip was visible to Charles to show he was in position. Julius waited for a moment before charging out of the tree line into the clearing and herding the bison toward a waiting Charles. Charles waited patiently for the bison running toward him and away from Julius when a big male bison ran just an inch in front of Charles, he then lion jumped wrapping his large jaws around the neck of the bison while Julius jumped on the back of the bison biting into its spinal cord and the prey collapsed under the weight of the two were-creatures.

Once the prey was down both the wolf and lion tucked into their well-earned meal whilst surveying the area for potential threats. Julius is surprised that he actually likes the taste of red meat but Charles is enjoying his meal with gusto because he does not know when his next meal will be.

Out of the blue Charles shifted back into his human form and motioned for Julius to do the same, Julius did so and sat down next to their eaten prey. They never mentioned that they were uncomfortable being naked next to each other after they had shifted back to human form.

"Why did you shift back," Julius asked confused and tearing a piece of meat from the 1/4 of prey that was left and popping it into his mouth.

"I shifted because before we go any further you need to be enlightened about the laws of the supernatural world," Charles said also ripping a piece of meat from the carcass and sitting across from Julius.

"What do I need to learn," Julius asks tilting his head to the side and studying Charles's expression.

"Well as werewolf you will need to know about packs, Alpha's, mates and Rouge's, slayers and different supernatural creatures," said Charles counting the list on his fingers.

"Okay first let's talk about packs and alphas" suggested Julius taking another piece of meat from the carcass.

"Okay then, subordinate wolves are drawn to a wolf that has alpha status. Packs are formed when betas and subordinate wolves go looking for a forever alpha. Alpha is the leader of the pack and is responsible for its safety and well-being. He is responsible for the land he owns that means defending it and looking after the land. Betas are second only to the alpha meaning that he is second in command. A pack often has more than one beta because it helps keep order, the rest of the pack members fall in under them. Because you were turned by an alpha you now have the power of one and that makes you an alpha" Charles said before sitting in a more comfortable position.

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