Chapter 14

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Julius awoke to sound of shouting and cursing although it was still a fair distance away from the cabin. Grumbling to himself he rose from his bed walking over to Alice's room to see her already coming out of her room her eyes showing anger and tiredness. He then trekked over to the room Humphrey was staying in. Julius knocked on the door and got an answer straight away. The other man looked fearful his eyes showing worry and anger.

"It seems the circus has noticed your absence" Julius growled out through clenched teeth his anger for that particular circus causing his eyes to shift between blue and gold.

"I know, what should I do I cannot go back" Humphrey stated his voice strong through his eyes gave away more than he let on.

"They are nearly here Julius what will we do" Alice questioned her irritation from being awoken to show in her eyes. 

"I want you to hide in the basement, we will cover for you, see what they want and when they leave you may come back out from the basement. We will see that this threat to our pack is taken care of one way or another" Julius commanded at which the other two wolves nodded and went to do as their alpha said.

The three werewolves ate a hearty breakfast of eggs and ham before they put Humphrey in the basement just as the angry shouts and yells got closer to the cabin.

"Stay here until it is safe" Alice Whispered towards Humphrey as she and Julius walked over to the door.

Julius waited by the door with Alice until the group of men were right outside before opening the door before they could knock. The sheriff a tall man with a slim build, his black hair hidden under his hat but his twisted moustache was clearly defined and went well with his brown eyes. The golden star on his vest the indicator of his position. Next to the sheriff was the circus' ringmaster all decked out in his circus attire his green eyes piercing and his brown hair in a ponytail. The rest of the men were from the townsfolk no doubt the circus would be packing up after tonight. 

"What can we do for you fine gentlemen, myself and my sister were just about to go into town," Julius asked crossing his arms over his chest for good measure.

"The circus had an asset stolen last night and we've come to ask for your help in locating it" replied the sheriff shrinking back slightly at the deadly glare in Julius' eyes.

"Oh that's awful I'm sure my brother would be happy to help you all" Alice added raising her voice a few octaves so it was light and high pitched.

"Well thank you kindly miss. Well, sir, we'll let you say your goodbyes and then we'll head out" Spoke the sheriff who then led the men a few meters away from the cabin.

Julius turned to Alice gently closing the door so they could have a more private conversation.

"I'm assuming they'll be looking in the woods, so you and Humphrey stay in the cabin I'll be back when they give up" conversed Julius before patting Alice on the shoulder nodding to her before joining the men and walking with them further into the woods.

Julius followed the party through the woods wishing he didn't have to help but they'd get suspicious if he'd refused to help and he had to have a good reputation with the town's sheriff.  Although he'd rather be anywhere but near the ringmaster. Julius walked with the men through the woods being careful to stay out of their conversations about the missing circus asset. Knowing it would anger his inner beast. Humphrey was his packmate now and he would make sure that these people didn't get their hands on him. 

"This is taking forever, where did that blasted beast go" Shouted the ringmaster. The volume of the shout hurt Julius sensitive ears. 

"Maybe we should just give up, The beast may already be dead," Said a man from the party which earned him a hit with the cane of the ringmaster. 

If Julius had killed him sooner he wouldn't be here. But he knew he couldn't go around killing everyone it might leave a trail that leads to the pack and that isn't something they needed. The search kept up all-day until it turned to nightfall and that was when the ringmaster finally gave up and Julius let out a relieved breath. Which he stifled from the rest of the weary party. 

"Sorry to keep you all-day, thank you for helping us look," Said the sheriff shaking Julius's hand and with that, the party left him in the woods to make there way back to the town before it became any colder with the onset of night. 

Julius made sure they were all out of sight and earshot before he shed his human skin and became a wolf. He put his nose to the ground as he trotted back to the cabin making sure to make several trails and not going straight there. When Julius arrived at the cabin he was unsurprised to see Alice at the door with Humphrey. When they spotted him in wolf form his presence alone was enough to have them submit even though he wasn't trying to make them submit. Julius trotted over to them and shifted uncaring of his nakedness before pulling on the shirt and pants he was carrying in his jaws. 

"How did it go," Alice asked when Julius was fully covered.

"They gave up as soon as nightfall hit, And the circus is packed up and the train will be moving out soon" Julius answered before he went into the cabin and spotted dinner on the table. When he saw the food he smiled in gratitude to Alice.

"So I am free" Humphrey exclaimed before falling onto a chair as his mind finally caught up.

"Yes you are, And what you do as part of this pack is entirely up to you" Julius Claimed Julius before he got down to stuffing his face full of food. 

"You're making quite the pack of misfits eh Alpha" Joked Alice as she sat down at the table to finish her own dinner.

Julius would have to agree with her as he witnessed how they blended as a pack. Each an individual but a unit when it came to the pack.

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