Chapter 18

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Joesph smiled to himself as he held Alice close to him, they had mated after three months of getting to know each other. He had been in a fit of rage after she had revealed how she became a werewolf, how dare someone else, touch what was his. Joesph truly respected Julius after his mate told of how the alpha wolf had saved her. Joesph had then been with the pack another three months happily mated with Alice. 

His life had sure turned around after being welcomed into the wolf pack, knowing that if the territory was attacked he would not have to defend it alone. Joesph had also picked up work at the small clinic in town as a doctor as he knew more than most humans about medicine. His alpha was now working in the fields instead of for the hunters guild as the town said they need the manpower to move the crops. 

Humphrey was still apprenticing with the blacksmith Thomas and the wolf seemed to be doing a lot better, though he did still have some triggers that would send him into a spiral of despair. Joesph felt for the man, Humphrey was a gentle soul who only got violent when he needed to. 

And his mate Alice seemed content as they settled into a routine, she had become a highly recommended teacher after a while of teaching. All of her students seemed to think so. 

Joesph's thoughts were interrupted as Alice began to stir, she had fallen asleep after they had made love and was now waking as the full moon started to rise to its highest point.

"Hi," Alice said as she blinked up at him her eyes flashing between her human colour and the gold of her wolf as the moon took it affects on her.

"Hey" Joesph replied placing a gentle kiss on top of her forehead. 

"The moon's nearly full I can feel the wolf as my body gets more heated" Alice spoke throwing the covers off herself as her skin became hotter with the shift imminent. 

"I suppose Julius and Humphrey will already be shifted and waiting for us to join them," Joesph said as he tugged on a shirt, some trousers and a pair of shoes. 

"Is it fun for you to run with us while we are in our wolf forms?" Alice asked as she got out of their bed and stretched herself out. 

"Of course it is we get to hunt as a pack and it's all good for bonding, plus I can link our minds so that we know what each other are thinking, plus I love both sides of you sweety" Joesph answered as he walked over to her pressing a soft kiss to her lips. 

"I love you too Joesph" Alice growled softly as she deepened their kiss moaning when Joesph's fangs nipped her lips.

"We better get going, Julius and Humphrey are waiting for us" Joesph chuckled as he heard two impatient growls from outside. 

Joesph grinned as Alice laughed along with him as she opened the door to their bedroom. As she shifted into her wolf Joesph connected his mind with the three of his pack members so they could communicate. 

'Get your arses out here we want to hunt' Julius growled good-naturedly into the single mind Joesph had created.

'Yes alpha' Alice giggled as she ran out of the house to join the other two shifted werewolves. 

Following behind his mate Joesph smiled as he watched them rub their scents on each other confirming their bonds as a pack. Walking over to them Joesph smiled as he reached his hand out and scratched Alice behind her ears. Two grumbles had Joesph reaching to scratch Julius and Humphreys's ears too. They were massive wolves yet the still loved to be petted. Each of their heads was level with his was and looking into their golden eyes Joesph felt alive. 

With a sudden jerk of his head, Julius howled followed by Humphrey and Alice. Raising his voice with theirs Joesph howled along with them their voices bouncing through the woods and saying that they were here and this was their territory. 

As they took of Joesph followed after them jumping from tree to tree as their paws thundered along the forest floor. It had taken Joesph about two runs with them to get used to the fact that they ran and hunted on the full moon. Joesph had come to love it, the thrill of the chase the animalistic kill, he could give in to his instincts and hunt with his mate and pack brothers. 

Joesph slowed down as the heavy pawprints below him became softer. Looking ahead of them Joesph spotted a herd of deer no doubt Julius and Humprey and Alice had been tracking while he was distracted in his thoughts. 

'let's go'  Was all Julius said before he charged the herd snarling and snapping to create a panic.

'Old buck, on your left'  Humphrey said as he locked his eyes onto the limping animal.

'I got it' Alice replied as she charged the buck into a corner with the help of Humphrey though the animal was still fighting the inevitable.

'I coming to help' Joesph said as he jumped out of the tree he was in and landed on the bucks back using his strength to hold it's antlers back worried for their safety. 

'Let's finish the beast' Julius growled as he grabbed the buck's throat in his jaws.

Joesph hissed as the buck tried to escape his grip as Alice and Humprey helped to pull it down to the ground. Falling away from the Buck as it toppled Joesph snapped and snarled to get a place at the kill as the werewolves started digging in. Biting down on the buck's neck Joesph sucked out as much blood as he could before jumping back into a tree as the wolves feasted. 

Licking his lips Joesph's eyes glowed red as the blood entered his system. looking below him Joesph puffed his chest out in pride as Alice snapped at Humprey when he tried to steal some meat from her. 

The sudden low growl from Julius as he stepped away from the kill and looked into the woods had Joesph jumping down from his tree to stand next to his alpha. A rouge wolf stepped out into the clearing his face pulled up into a snarl as his pitch-black eyes took in their kill. Salivating at the mouth the rouge attacked.

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