Chapter 8

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Julius thought that she was taking the news very well. They'd been talking for a good hour about what had happened to her and what he had done to save her life. He explained to her that he'd turned her into a werewolf because she was dying and he wanted to help her. He'd also explained she'd shift into a wolf tomorrow at the next full moon which was tomorrow night.

"Did you kill the deer, how you have no weapons on you?" asked the woman and Julius knew he couldn't keep calling her woman he'd need to ask her name.

"I hunted it as a wolf and I've just realised I don't know your name" replied Julius with a tilt of his head.

"My names Alice pattern, I'm eighteen what's yours" she replied as she ate the cooked meat Julius brought her.

"Mines Julius I'm fifty and I've been a werewolf for thirty years and been a hostage for just as long" Julius replied as he too began eating the freshly caught kill.

"You look twenty-five, how," she asked confusion written on her features as she tries to figure out Julius' age.

"Well, I didn't understand that either until it was explained to me. Werewolves live very long the oldest at five hundred, but most don't live long it's a dangerous world" Julius explained but he was sure she still had more questions.

"What do you mean you were a hostage," asked Alice as her brain was processing new information.

Julius sighed shifting his hands through his hair before beginning to speak. "I was mistreated by my father who always hated me and I found out recently was not my biological father and when he found out he went bat shit crazy. He beat me every day from then on until I was twenty. When I was twenty I ran away from home but I stumbled onto Fergus' land he's the alpha that turned me. I was then kept in his territory imprisoned for thirty years where I would be tortured every day with knives, fire, and various other weapons. 

"Is that why you're helping me?" asked  Alice as she stretched herself out in the sleeping bag.

"Well yes I mean my conscience and wolf would not let me leave you" Replied Julius whilst sniffing the air for the scents of man.

"You mean to say you can talk to your wolf" whispered Alice as she tilted her head to the side.

"No but the wolf can control your emotions and take over if the instinct is strong enough," said Julius.

"How do you know if a wolf is strong enough to take over," asked Alice feeling a new presence pushing its way into her mind.

"It depends on what rank you and the wolf are in the pack, I'm an alpha" replied Julius and he saw her eyes flash meaning the beast was becoming more apparent.

"What rank do you think I'll be" yawned Alice as the sky darkened and stars littered the sky.

"I think you'll be a beta, now enough about wolves for today what circumstances lead you to be alone in the woods," asked Julius as he watched her show fatigue and knew they should turn in soon.

"I was married three days ago, my parents arranged my marriage so that both families would benefit. After our ceremony, my husband Jones suggested a honey moon In the next town over. We set off from my parent's house and a day later three of my new husband's friends showed up and they continued the journey to the next town. They started drinking when we made camp and from then on I was ridiculed and sexualised for a long time. After they had finished with me they left me on the forest floor and went back to their camp while I was bleeding from the cuts they had inflicted. I was in and out of consciousness after that until you came and changed me and now I'm safe" Alice explained.

"That's enough stories for one day we need our rest" spoke Julius.

Julius watched as Alice got comfortable in the sleeping bag he had placed her in and waited until light snores reached his ears. Julius felt an odd sense of kinship with this woman he had met only a few hours ago and soon he would be teaching her through her first shift. His wolf felt a bond with the woman but from what Julius could tell it was not romantic it was more what someone would feel for their favourite sibling. Julius shook his head to get rid of his thoughts before shifting into his wolf curling himself around Alice and falling into slumber himself.

Julius awoke early the next morning as sun rays entered through the entrance of the cave. Julius stood with a yawn stretching out his lean legs only to here a whimper from Alice when he stood up because Julius was the source of the heat she was feeling. Julius watched as Alice awoke with a whine when the scents of the forest attacked her newly sensitive nose. Julius then returned to his human form and made sure the fire was completely out before rummaging through his bag for a pair of pants and some shirts. He also threw a shirt and some shorts to Alice who stood out from the sleeping bag and got dressed.

"What is the plan," Alice asked as she and Julius snacked on jerked meat that Julius had provided for them.

"We should get moving because the humans have not yet moved and it would be unwise to stay in one place too long," said Julius as he ran his hand through his hair.

"How will we get there if I have not yet shifted into a wolf" spoke Alice as she picked at the overgrown material hanging off her frame.

"We will walk until it becomes night and when the moon shines through the night sky your first shift will be triggered" replied Julius as he picked up his bag and secured it on his back.

Together they set off in the northern direction towards colder weather and the town in which Julius was travelling to. He now had a beta and that made the wolf in him demand loyalty and obedience from her but the wolf had also become fiercely protective of his new beta. Julius knew he would not be able to stop himself if he saw someone in need and that could help his pack grow but for now, the wolf in him was still searching for a large territory to control and start a pack.

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