Chapter 4

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"So next is mates right," asked Julius with a tilt of his head.

"Every supernatural creature has a mate they are the missing part of our soul we aren't complete until we have our mate by our side. For some, once they've reached maturity it only takes a short time for them to find the missing part of their soul and settle down to have a happy life. However, for some finding their mates takes much longer given that we live at least 10 human lifetimes if given the chance. When you find your mate you will not want another physically because your wolf will be forever loyal to her and her alone. Most mates are a creature of the same species and although it's rare mates can also be of different species or even human" replied Charles somewhat amused by Julius' confused expression.

"So will I also be gifted a mate," asked Julius his eyes shining with hope and gold specks appearing before disappearing meaning Julius' wolf was sitting close to the surface during that explanation.

"Yes you will be gifted a mate although I will not be able to tell which species she is and neither will you until you meet one another" Charles stated with a far off look in his eyes.

"Have you met your mate?" Julius asked unable to stop himself.

"No I have not before I was captured I was around twenty-five years old and there was no sign of my mate and counting how many full moons I went through with that pups father and then him I would say I am now seventy-five years in age" Charles replied thinking intensely about his actual age.

"You only look twenty-seven," Julius said bewildered at the fact Charles was around seventy.

"Yes werelions age slowly I still have another eight hundred years ahead of me as do most supernatural creatures," said Charles slowly making sure Julius was following his every word.

"Do you have any idea how old I am?" Julius asked remembering he was around twenty all those years ago when he left his parents home.

"I would have to say that you're more than likely around fifty but from the looks of you, you look around twenty-four," said Charles as he studied Julius intently taking in his feature and how many times the moon had made Julius shift.

"Fifty huh, so next is rouges," Julius asked thinking briefly thinking about the family he left behind thirty years ago more so about his brother and sister than about his mother or father.

"Yes rouges although there are several different types of rouges. You have nomads those are the supernatural creatures who are designed to nomadic lives like most of the were cats apart from the were lions who live in prides. Nomadic shifters live alone or in small groups and are constantly on the move. Nomadic pairs often travel together only stopping when the female falls pregnant to care for their offspring but when it is able to keep up the offspring will follow it's parents until it feels mature enough to venter out on its own I search of a mate and will roam until they did which could take hundreds upon hundreds of years. Lone wolves are wolves who have chosen to leave their pack in search of a new one and are willingly travelling without a pack to support them until they find the right start-up pack to join. And rouges are supernaturals who have committed crimes against their kind or other supernatural races. These animals are pure rouge whose eyes turn black when they have killed a member of their kin or someone who was an innocent" said Charles with a growl starting in his chest as he started to talk about the black-eyed rouges.

"Well that's insightful and surprisingly confusing" Julius replied with a tilt of his head.

"Yes although you'll become more accustomed to it as time goes on and you see each different type of rouge nomad or loner you see" replied Charles with a chuckle at Julius' confused expression on his face which had gained a jugged jaw and sharp features from the thirty years he had spent in Fergus' care where he had only really aged in appearance sharpening his once boy like features into that of a strong man and now that he and Charles had eaten they should both already have their muscle mass beginning to return.

"So what's next, slayers I think I was," Julius asked remembering the fear in Charles' when he had said the word in his overview of what Julius needed to learn.

"Ah yes you do need to be informed," said Charles grimly as his eyes darkened slightly thinking about the topic he needed to discuss.

"Well okay then please explain" Julius stated watching Charles's face and the way it contorted in pain and fear as he began exposing.

"Slayers are a society of mortal women who are tasked with eliminating savage and crazed immortals. They have a special elixir that if drank three times they will be immortal, they are trained in the art of combat against any supernatural creature. They have abilities that can be far superior to our own because they are trained for at least ten years before they are let out into the field. Their Elixir allows them to remain in the body of a physically fit twenty-year-old, while they are just like immortal creatures in many ways they can be changed into supernatural creatures" said Charles as his now brown eyes started to go gold.

"Are they that dangerous?" asked Julius sceptically.

"Yes they are, I was just an adolescent lion when my pride was attacked, one of our own had gone savage and the elders had tried to protect him and ended up getting killed by the slayers' society for interfering with their affairs and harbouring a criminal, you see the savage lion had killed 30 innocent men and changed 10 into lions without their consent. After the savage lion had been dispatched and the elders hiding him killed to the slayers left I was blamed and kicked out of my pride by my uncle. I then ended up being captured by Fergus father" Charles explained sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry that happened to you," said Julius comfortingly.

"Enough of that now we still have to give you a rundown on different supernatural creatures," said Charles chuckling as Julius licked his lips in anticipation.

"So are their many supernatural creatures," Julius asked his ears awaiting Charles explanation.

"Yes there are many, werewolves, of course, vampires, demons, half-demons, half angles, angles, dwarfs, elves, werecat's which includes a variety of cat shapeshifters such as lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs and many more, witch's, centaurs, Fairies, golems, goblins, dragons, zombies, sirens, shapeshifters which shift into any animal they chose, pixies, phoenix's, banshees, gnomes, ghosts, mermaids, Bird shifters humans which transform into birds, and many more I won't name," said Charles as Julius listened intently as each new creature was revealed.

"Wow there are so many more mysteries the world has to offer," said Julius as his mind ran away with what each creature looked like.

"Well now that you know all that I suggest we continue on our way there's a small town not far from here we can take some clothes from there and then continue on our way" spoke Charles as he stood up and stretched out his sore limps as he looked in the direction which had a less wild scent and more the scent of civilization.

Julius followed Charles's example and stretched out his muscles while scenting the air to realise that something about their current path was familiar but he pushed it away. Once they were done stretching Charles shifted into his lion form and flicked his tail in Julius' face, Julius snorted at the lion and shifted into his black wolf with the silver-tipped tail and followed the lion towards civilization.

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