Chapter 13

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As they approached the circus families with young children walked around them. They passed by many stalls on their way to the main circus tent. They took seats in the audience after they had entered the tent. They watched as more and more people took seats in the audience no doubt wanting to see the circus on the first night they were here. Suddenly out of the curtains appeared the ringmaster followed by all of his performers. A song started as the performers started dancing to the rhythm. Once the opening number had finished all other the performers left the stage apart from the ringmaster.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, prepare to be amazed" Shouted the ringmaster his voice carrying through the whole tent.

The crowd went up in cheers as the first performance got underway. clowns emerged from a clown car and started their act. Next, it was the trapeze duo and then the stuntmen and so on until all the acts had had their turn. The cheers of the crowd deafening to a werewolf's sense of hearing. Another dance number concluded the performance and then the lights went out the excited breathing of the crowd heard throughout the tent.

"And now a treat the mysterious wolfman" The ringmaster shouted as the lights came up and cadge was in the centre of the ring.

The two werewolves watched in horror as one of their own was in a cadge in his human form before quickly shifting into his grey wolf which was scarred and ragged. The performers came back only to goad the cadged werewolf into snarling and being aggressive. Julius had to contain his own rage at the state of another captured werewolf as it reminded him of the time he spent in a cadge. Julius' beta was doing no better as she had only had her more animalistic side for a short time. As the curtain drew to a close Julius left the tent with Alice before reaching the cover of the trees.

"Julius we have to get him out of there, I'm sure his captured existence is putting all werewolves in danger" Alice Spoke her voice desperate and caring.

"I know Alice, we will but we have to wait until everyone leaves, we can't be seen" Julius replied desperately wanting to free one of his own.

The two werewolves watched the circus for several hours with visitors coming and going. As all the lights went out the last of the humans left. The two werewolves then descended from the tree line, on high alert they searched through the whole circus for the werewolf the scents of humans and food overpowering. Julius was the first to pick up the scent and he followed it around the back of the train where the werewolf's cadge was sitting. Alice followed him as he walked over to the cadge to looked at the scarred grey wolf who had a white stripe along his back.

"Hey we're going to get you out of here so don't make much noise" Julius whispered at which the Grey werewolf just looked at him in confusion so Julius let his eyes turn gold at which the other wolf flattened his ears and tucked his tail in submission.

"We have to hurry Julius what if someone comes out to check on him in the middle of the night," Alice asked quietly to which Julius nodded and broke the lock on the cadge.

"Right I'm going to let you out I want you to follow us back to our home" Julius commanded at which the grey werewolf nodded.

Julius opened the cadge and walked towards the tree line once the three wolves had reached the tree line both Julius and Alice shifted into their wolves carrying their clothing in their jaws. Julius then leads them back to the cabin. When they reached the cabin Alice shifted first to open the door before coming back with another set of clothes before setting them down next to the grey wolf before going back inside. Julius was the first to shift back before stretching himself out. The grey wolf then shifted back into his human form. He was rather muscular with many scars littering his form the most noticeable was the scar that ran from his neck down to his collar bone as though someone had tried to rip his throat out. His hair was a light brown his eyes a dull green and he was filthy.

"Go wash up here's some clothes for you" Julius spoke handing the other male the clothing and directing him towards the stream where he and Alice had been bathing for the time being until the could sort out a proper bath.

"Thank you alpha you are too kind truly I am forever in your debt" The grey wolf spoke before heading towards the stream.

Julius kept an eye on the new wolf although he tried to give him some privacy. Julius also listened to the sounds of the forest in the wee hours of the morning. Julius could also smell a variety of foods cooking which reminded him of the money he'd managed to earn he'd have to put that away until they needed it. He also had to ask Alice if she was successful in the search for a job as he had been.

"Thank you for waiting for me alpha" The grey wolf spoke as he walked up to Julius with fresh clothes on and he looked cleaner.

"No problem although you don't have to keep calling me alpha" Julius replied as he still didn't like the idea that other wolves would blindly follow him due to the rank he carried.

"But that would be disrespectful to an alpha such as yourself" The grey wolf replied tilting his head in confusion at the strange alpha who had freed him.

"How about this you may call me alpha only when the situation demands it other than that just call me by my name, oh and what is your name by chance," Julius asked which seemed to work as the other man smiled.

"Very well, My name is Humphrey I owe you my freedom and as such, I pledge loyalty to you and your pack" Humphrey responded eagerly finally having a place after years in a cage for peoples amusement.

"It's nice to meet you, Humphrey, I'm Alice would you come inside I've just plated us up some food" Alice spoke as she came out of the cabin cleaning her hands on the apron she was wearing.

"Is she your mate Julius?" Asked Humphrey curious as to why they made no move to be formal around each other.

"No she is not, I found her in a terrible situation and I see her as more of a sister, so she is my beta although you are welcome to be my beta as well" Julius replied somewhat endeared by the question although whoever Alice's mate turned out to be would be a lucky man.

As all the introductions were finished the three wolves retreated back into the cabin settling down for a late supper before they each retired for the evening unaware of the storm that would be awaiting the next day as the circus looked for their missing man-wolf. 

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