Dude, "I know this sounds somewhat creepy but if you really need a new phone I can take you to the Apple store right now and we can pick that up"

Me, "sorry again but we don't even know you and I personally wouldn't feel comfortable aking any gifts from strangers. for all we know you're like some type of robber and we're going to end up in jail, worse dead"

Raven, "You really would pay for a stragner's phone? Like who the hell are you?"

Dude, "Well my name is Zion, but everyone calls me Z, and what is your name?"

Me, "There's two of us here. If you're going to try and flirt at least try and single out who you're going for"

aven, "You can have him I don't hang with people tha have Z names, it just adds bad energy to me, at least that's what my pschcic freind tracey told me"

me, "What are you talking about?"

Dude,"Okay, are you going to take the offer or not, I've got to head out, so it's got to be a yes or no"

Raven, "Yes, if anything crazy happens at least we got a free ride to the Apple store"

Me, "This is crazy, but don't expect anythign crazy from us in return"

Zion, "Listen I'm on this new path of life that calls for me to be more open to the world and I want to help epoepl out. I only have one request from you guys"

Me, "Okay, but I'm not doing anything freaky"

Zion, "You were just talking about taking some pics for some dude to get the money for a phone, if that doesn't sound suspect then I don't know what does"

Me, "That was taken out of context. My cousin has a friend that has his own fashion line and he shoots models too.I was going to take some pics for his line to pay for the phone, that's all"

Raven, "What type of car is this? I'm loving the breeze and the easy drive. It almsot feels like we're in the countryside or something?"

Zion, "It's a fisker, my agent gave it to me"

Raven, "Agent? What you need an agent for?"

Zion, "I play ball"

Raven, "Oh God, you really testing me now, You mean to tell me that you're a basketball player. Like NBA with Lebron James and Kobe Bryant type of NBA"

Zion, "Yeah, What other type of NBA would their be?"

Me, "What team are you on?"

Raven, "Riah he's lying, I would know a basektabll player and he doesn't have the body for it. Come on look at this dude"

Zion, "Now I should be offended but I'm going to accept your claims. I play for the Pistons, their in Detroit. Not much people seem to care about them"

Raven, "Detroit really, out of all places to play ball you're in Detroit. What do you even do out there?"

Me, "Raven come on, there are mad people that live in Detroit and like it, look at Big Sean or Eminem"

Zion, "Those people are from there but don't live there anymore. I grew up in Bethesda, Maryland and it's pretty much a complete 180 from what I had. While I love playing ball it isnt' my dream to stay there forever"

Raven, "So if you're a ball player then you shouldn't even need a favor from us. Like you're loaded and we can buy anything in the Apple store"

Zion, "I thought you two were afraid to talk to Strangers! And now you want to spend all my money, I don't think so"

Me, "Listen I still don't feel 100% okay with just taking the phone from you. Like you may have money but we aren't beggars, We can pay you back like a month to month thing"

Raven, "Aint no way in hell that I'm paying this man back. He already got him some money so what will 300 dollars really mean to him"

Before I could say anything else we had reached the Apple Store and I knew that Raven was about to shut it down. Zion didn't say a thing but she looked throughout the store and in the end walked out with an all gold Iphone, with a lifetime supply of Apple care. Zion didn't say a word and just handed the clerk his Black card. I had never seen one before but as soon as I saw his that just made me more motivated to get my money up. When we finished my phone was being bown up by none other than Dom. He wanted to know if I would be willing to come to some studio that his friend owned. I honestly had nothing better to do and it seemed like ZIon had somewhere to go. As we were walking back to the car I saw Raven go over to Zion and put some moves down on him. He looked a little confused at first but then she started laughing. When we got to the car I saw Zion take his phone out and add her number.

Me, "Rav, Dom called and he wants to meet up with us? Are you up for it?"

Rav, "Yo this boy is really starting to get on my nerves. How many more parties do we have to go to with him."

Me, "Come on, evnetually he;s going to get it right. We just need to be patient"

Rav, "You have to much hope sometimes. I don't understand how his mind works but if you're up for it then Ima go with you"

Me, "Okay, so good-bye to your man and then we can head out"

Raven, "Come on don't get to dramatic now, I'm just being nice, like my parents taught me"

Me, "I saw you pushing yourself all up on him. I know that you're all over with your love-life but be careful. You've seen on the TV how that NBA shit goes down and you're still mad young to be doing anything crazy"

Raven, "He's three years older than me, it's not that huge of a difference mentally speaking. I'm not going to run off to Vegas to be with him and get hitched or something"

Me, "Okay, say you're good-byes and I'll be at the train-station"

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