Two weeks later and it was the 4th of July. That was the major party weekend and everyone was trying to have the grandest party around. For the first time Dominick actually had a great party and it was amazing to see things finally work for him.

Homeboy had been promoting this party since we first came to my and I was hoping that things would go as he planned. Dominick spent the last week of June all over the city calling in mad people that he knew and making sure that everything was in order.

So I was left with Tristan and Raven. Raven and I hadn't been taking that much since the party in Dc and Tristan was hanging with his friends. I knew some other people in NY because of Jayson and Shia but I didn't want to leave Raven alone. Like we could fight but at the end of the day she was my blood and i wasn't going to stay mad at her forever. So I decided that we could do a beach day and the last thing that I had to do was see if she wanted to come,

Me, "Raven, where are you?"

Raven, "I"m in the room"

Me, "Oh, I didn't even see you there. Look i was thinking about going to the beach, do you wanna come along?"

Raven, "Listen I know that we haven't been on the best terms since the whole DC trip but I don't wanna be hanging with you. Like you always want to dominate people and micro-manage everything. I'm not with that"

Me, "Listen can we just get over it, like that was three weeks ago. Are we gonna be cool or nah"

Raven, "No, we're not gonna be cool because you treat me like a child instead of an equal. I don't understand why you're always on my case about small things but you're the one that's in some deeper shit than me"

Me, "Raven if you want me to apologize then I'll do it but why are you on my case about the past if we're only looking for the future now"

Raven, "Listen right now in this present moment I don't wanna hang with you but hopefully by the end of the summer we can get back to where we wanna be"

Me, "Fine. Look I'm not gonna keep putting out the olive branch if you're gonna act all crazy and childish. I don't have time for your foolishness"

Raven, "Okay, so don't keep talking to me"

As I left the room I was just fuming. Here I was trying to make amends with raven and she was acting like a complete brat. Fuck the beach I just wanted to get a nice blunt and relax. That meant treking all the way to Harlem to catch up with Jayson. He was on another shoot and I wanted to see what he was up to. By the time I reached him it was minutes to 3 and I was exhausted. Sweat was dripping down my back and my shirt was completely messed up. I had on some black studded shorts and Vans but it was like there was nothing that could stop me from sweating. When Jayson saw me he quickly handed me a towel and threw some clothes at me. It was a crop top and I had to rock that for the rest of the day.

After he was done with his shoot Jayson wanted to go and eat BBQ so I decided to head out with him. He had a posse of people around and I knew some but the people were all really friendly and definitely out there.

Jayson, "So sweetie why are you not with your husband?"

Me, "Listen he's busy doing him and I'm doing me. I can't be bothered with runnin after people"

Jayson, "And where is the bestie that you're always with?"

Me, "Well I'm too controlling for her so we're not on speaking terms but whatever. Bitches can act all funny at times so I stay by myself"

Jayson, "I catch your tune but we're actually heading out and I don't know if you would be interested in the place that where going to"

Me, "So you gonna kick me out too? I gotta find some new friends"

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