No One Can Explane

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     It's finally Saturday, and I know just how I wanna spend it. I wake up at 5:00am and leave a note for my mom saying I'm at a friends house doing homework. Then, I grab my school bag, and run to the bus stop, because the one part about that note that isn't  a lie, is that I have homework.
    I'm the only person riding the bus. It's peaceful, I look out the window and see a runner on an early morning run. I bend down and open my bag, I realize that there's a big Sephora bag on top of all my school work. I take out my lip supplies and a small mirror, and start working.
     We get to my stop, and I hop out and hike up to my spot. I'm not scared, even though I'm all alone, and no one knows that I'm here, I always feel safe around my spot.
     When I was about 5 years old, my Girl Scouts crew camped just up the mountain from here. I woke up in the middle of the night, and wandered over here. I sat here for hours, and when I saw the sun come out, I knew I had to go back. I told no one, and no one understood why I was so tired the next day.
     I get out my school work, and start studying for the test that I missed because I saw Cara with Alfie. I'm really lucky I get a retest. Hours pass, and suddenly, I get a call from my mom. "Hi mom," I say, "oh hi sweetie," she says, "how's homework going?" "Oh ok," I say, "ok just checking, will you be home for dinner?" She asks, "um yeah I think so," I say, "I'll be home by 6:00," and we say our goodbyes.
     I put down my phone and I lay down and stare at the ground, threw the rails of the track. I think to myself, "one day, when I get a boyfriend, will I take him here with me? No way," I think, "no one's that special." I keep starring at the ground, miles and miles below, until I feel a tear well up in my eye, and it falls threw the rails, far down below. I don't know why I'm crying, but it feels amazing, and I let myself cry and cry, I rub off my makeup with my tears, and I feel even better.

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