Chapter seven: The knot of Isis

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I had the dreams again. The boy and girl fighting the Egyptian monsters. This time however, new bits were added. There was a mansion in Brooklyn that seemed to fade in and out of reality. At the end of the dream an odd symbol, almost like an angel, popped into view. As I woke up I remembered that I had never told Percy or Chiron of my dream from two nights ago. I guess in yesterday's chaos I had forgotten. I looked around the cabin everyone was still asleep. I decided to go to the archery range to practice. Changing into a hunters uniform I walked into the crisp morning air. It was only once I got there that I realized that I had no bow, or any arrows for that matter. Well, this could be problematic. Suddenly there was a hand on my shoulder. I almost screamed.

"Don't scream" I looked over to see Thalia.

"Isn't it kinda hard to do archery with no bow and arrows." She said smirking. One thing I've realized, people in this world smirk a lot.

"Well I walked out here and just realized that I had no bow or arrows" I tried explaining. It was kinda embarrassing.

"Why don't you just summon yours? Wait! Sorry, I forgot you were new. Just think of them and they will come." I did what she told me. In my hand was a silver and black bow with delicate but complicated carvings. It was beautiful! I took off the quiver and looked at the arrows. It was a vast arrangement ranging from regular silver arrows to hydra arrows and so much more.


We did some archery together until it was time for breakfast. We walked back to the cabin. They were already awake. My mother looked like she was having a panic attack.

"She's right here, M'lady." said Lindsy. She walked up to me and gave me a hug.

"Thank the gods you're alright. Did anything happen to you?" The girls looked like they were trying not to laugh. They weren't doing a very good job. Needless to say she wouldn't let me leave her side until after breakfast. Once breakfast was over I went up to the head table.

"What do you want Donna?" I turned to Chiron.

"Is there any way I could speak to you privately?"

We ended up in his office. It was covered in pictures of demigods. There seemed to be quite a few pictures of Percy and Annabeth. They really were celebrities in this world.

"I have been having dreams about these people dressed in Egyptian clothes and this weird angel symbol and this house in Brooklyn. Oh, and some monsters that I recognized from Egyptian mythology. I thought it might be important because you were talking about Egyptians with Percy the other night." Chiron's face darkened.

"The prophecy is coming to pass. I must send this news to Olympus. You shall be given a quest. Pick your two companions and we shall announce it at dinner." He said. I was getting a quest. I wasn't sure wether to be scared or excited. I ran to the Posideon cabin. Inside Annabeth and Percy were sitting on the couch. I knocked on the door. Percy came and opened it. I asked him if he and Annabeth would like to be my companions (did anyone catch the Doctor Who reference? No? Never mind). He asked Annabeth and she said they would love to come. I was more happy than I would like to admit. I went back and told Chiron. I spent the rest of the day with the hunters. At dinner they formally introduced the quest.


Ugh, it's 5:00 in the morning. Why on earth do we have to leave at sunrise? Why can't we leave after breakfast?

Anyway we were standing at the top of the hill, saying our goodbyes. My mother came and hugged me. She told me to be safe and to IM her and a bunch of other fluffy mother stuff. Thalia hugged me and it turned into a hunters group hug. I turned toward my two companions.

"Let's go."

We walked down the hill to the road. On the horizon I saw a symbol, it was the same symbol as I saw in my dream. A figure that looked like a loopy angel. I remembered it from Egyptian mythology, a knot of Isis.

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