"Dr. Stefano, your mother is on line one." My receptionist buzzed through the intercom.
A smile swiftly found its way onto my face, "thank you Mia. " I said while putting down my pen and pressing the flashing green light.
"Ciao madre, how are you doing?" I said in a cheerful tone.
"I've been better, mio figlio," my mother said as she took a deep, shaky breath before continuing in Italian, "It's your father... He had a stroke this morning"
I felt the colour rapidly drain from my face, "He... He had a what? Is he alright?"
"He's stable. We're at the Seattle Grace hospital." She said sniffling.
With clenched fists, I replied "How are Emerson and Stella?"
"Stella has been crying all day, she just fell asleep. Emerson has been trying to comfort her, benedica la sua anima. Stella was not old enough to remember what happened last time we were here, but Emerson is."
The thought of what my adopted siblings have been through made my blood boil. The, now 17 year old, children have been through more than anyone should ever have to endure in a lifetime. When my parents adopted Emerson and Stella I couldn't have been more excited; I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love them. The image of my younger sister in distress made me see red.
"I'm on my way." I said before pushing the button and roughly rubbing my eyes, "Mia, can you cancel all my appointments this week, please apologize to the families, I'm going to Seattle tomorrow morning."
With that I grabbed my briefcase, shoving my paperwork into it, and walked out of my office to the elevator doors.
"Is everything alright Dr. Stefano?" Mia said as she leaned over her desk.
I tried my best to muster a smile before I said, "Yes Mia, everything is fine. I'll be back on Monday." Stepping into the elevator, I turned to face her while nodding my head slightly. You can't let another one die! They can't go through this again; you can't go through this again! Thoughts began flooding my head as I approached my midnight black Audi R8. Throwing my briefcase and jacket in the trunk, I loosened my tie and ripped the door open as I quickly sat in the driver's seat. The engine roared to life and I began weaving through traffic. My grip on the steering wheel shortly caused my knuckles turn white.
How could you have let this happen? It's going to happen again! Shaking the thoughts from my head, I grabbed the bottle of 1982 red wine from the cabinet and gingerly poured it into a crystal wineglass.
"Woof Woof."
"Archie? Where are ya boy?" I yelled in response. The black Great Dane soon came running around the corner in a heap of excitement. I laughed as the horse-like animal galloped his way over to me. "I missed you too Arch.". Giving him a bone, he ran back to the living room as he became consumed in his own little world. Confusion soon washed over me as I felt something damp rolling down my cheek. Grabbing my glass from the marble island, I walked towards the bathroom and looked at myself. I first noticed my unruly hair that was wild from running my fingers through it numerous times, before my eyes settled on the tears sliding down my olive skin. "Gli uomini non piangono." My Nonno used to tell me this as a child; it was something I lived by most of my life. I was 16 when he was murdered. On that day I vowed to never let someone I love suffer again. Suddenly, I realized that red liquid was pouring from my right hand; I looked down and saw the broken crystal mixed with wine and blood on the floor.
"Fucking shit." I said while wrapping my hand in a towel and walking towards the first aid kit. The cuts weren't deep enough to need stiches, so all I had to do was wrap my hand with gauze and tape. "I need to get out of here." I muttered quietly to myself. An epiphany struck me as I went to my walk in closet and put on a white dress shirt with a charcoal grey V neck cardigan and dark blue jeans. "I'll be back soon Arch," I yelled before pushing the elevator button down to the car park.
"Eh bud, what can I get for ya?" The scum looking bartender said.
"I'll have a Jack and Coke... Bud." I said while looking at the crowd of dancing people.
"You look like shit, rough day at the office?" The man replied while pouring my drink.
"Something like that, thanks for the drink."
I felt the liquor slowly burn its way down my throat. Focused in my own thoughts, I barely noticed the countless woman trying to get my attention. This happened almost everywhere I went, oddly enough, even church; woman would do obscured things to make themselves visible to me. I never understood why. I know I'm good looking with my dark shaggy hair, piercing blue eyes, and muscular figure; however, appearance is only the tip of the iceberg. My mind and soul were foul in comparison.
Standing from the bar, I walked towards the restrooms when all of a sudden, through the dancing bodies, I noticed a girl drop to the floor. Letting curiosity get the best of me, I pushed my way through the crowed in order to reach her. As soon as my eyes landed on the girl I felt my heart drop into my stomach. She was beautiful. Her blond hair framed her stunning face in a way Leonardo Da Vinci couldn't have portrayed. Seeing her visibly upset made me fill with rage. I didn't even know her but I knew I wanted to protect her from the world. I slowly walked closer to her making sure I wouldn't scare her, when I noticed that she was hysteric.
"Hello?" I said softly while crouching down to her level. She continued weeping. Cautiously, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me, while slowly rubbing circles on her back.
"You're going to be okay." "Everything is alright beautiful." "Just breathe." I whispered things like these into her ear while I continued to rock her back and forth.
As she started to visibly relax into my body, I unwrapped myself from the girl as I stood and reached into my jean pocket for my cell phone. "Mia, I'm coming into the office with someone, don't lock the door." I said before turning back to the girl siting on the floor.
"Spencer? SPENCER?" A man yelled shoving his way through the crowd.
The man wasn't very tall, standing at about 5'9, nor was he very muscular. He quickly ran up to the girl, whose name I've learned is Spencer. I smiled as I repeated the name in my head; a beautiful name for a gorgeous girl.
I lightly tapped the man on the shoulder, who was now on the floor attempting to pick up Spencer, "Do you need any help? I'm a doctor."
"No, I don't think so, she'll be fine." He replied looking me up and down.
"Are you sure? I have a private practice that's not too far from here. It would only take a second." I was silently praying that the man would take my offer.
The man looked down at Spencer in his arms before saying, "yeah I'm sure. We'll manage, thank you though, Doctor...."
"Stefano, Zachary Stefano. You are?" My skin crawled as I saw the man holding her in his arms. She should be in my arms, I thought.
"Landon Walker. We should probably be going," he said as he gestured to the now semiconscious girl in his arms, "see you around doc."
With that I watched them disappear into the crowd. My heart was racing a mile a minute. What just happened...? I took my iPhone back out of my pocket and dialed a number I have come to know all too well.
"Lucas, I need you to find out everything you can about Landon Walker and a girl named Spencer."
"May I ask why Zach?" My lawyer said with amusement in his voice.
My tone turned very serious before I stated "Don't fuck this up or I'm finding a new lawyer."
"Oh come on Zach, you wouldn't do that after everything I've helped you with."
"Try me Lucas."
Ending the call, I shoved my phone back into my pocket and made my way towards the exit. Ti troverò bella

The Guilt That Lies Within
RomanceWhat happens when a guilt driven woman meets a strong-minded, caring man? This is precisely what happens with Spencer Blake and Zachary Stefano. Spencer Blake comes from a troubled past filled with pain and misery. She lives every day with the memo...