Chapter 7

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*Week after the first day of school*

Sophie's POV

Finally the time was here. I went downstairs and told mom that I was gonna have Derek drive me to the airport so we could pick Ally up.

We got to the airport and waited for her flight to arrive. Once she got of her plane I ran up to her and hugged her really tight. I missed my best friend so much.. Derek gave her a hug and said he had missed her as well. Derek was usually friends with most of my friends so it was like they was a part if the family.

We got back home and I had Derek take Ally's stuff up to my room because I had to introduce her to my best guy friend Cameron. She knew I wrote letters to him but she doesn't know that I met him.

Once we got to Cameron's I rang the doorbell he answered and I asked if we could come in "sure. its just me right now my parents are out on a business trip." We stepped inside and I introduced them. He gave her a hug and said hi.

We left to go back to my house. Once we got there we went upstairs to my room. I told Ally everythang about how me and Cameron met to how I feel about him right now. Oh and I told her that she would have to meet Taylor. I think they will hit it of pretty good. Ally really didn't date a lot of people because back home if you dated someone and they broke up you are considered a whore.

Three days later I got a phone call from Ally's grandparents. They never called me so I stepped out on the balcony and asked what was wrong

" its Ally's mom"

"what's wrong with her?"

"Sophie honey, she died in a car accident."

How would I tell Ally?

"does she need to come home?"

"No. I was wondering if after the funeral if she could live with you?"

"I'll go ask my mom right now, She said yes of course"

" How can I thank you Sophie?"

"you don't have to its my pleasure."

I told Ally about her mom and she bawled. I would have to if anything happened to my mom. I sure will miss my second momma Jenn. Jenn was a girl I could tell ANYTHING to. I told her everything. Even what I didn't tell my foster mom . When I found out the she died my heart shattered like it did a few years back.

Ally's dad died a few years back from a car accident to. He was coming home in a snow storm and the wind blew him off into a ditch and the he jumped out in the middle of the wreck and when he did the car landed on top of him. It was horrible. I cried my eyes out at his funeral because he was like my own dad. He never abused me like my foster dad did. I live Geoff to death and she. he died my hear shattered.

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