Let My Voice Be Your Escape

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We went home and I made sure we checked every spot in the house.  The cops were already on the lookout for Ethan.  We sat on our couch not saying anything.  I stared at the wall knowing Pete had work.  He had fucking work.  But, he wanted to call out.

"You can't" I said.

"I know" He said "One paycheck won't cover food and bills" I worked during the day.  So did he usually, but sometimes he had to take the nightshift.  We frowned at the ground.  "The cops are on the lookout"

"I know" I said gently. 

"You should be okay" he said.  I hugged him tightly.  "Dammit" he whispered "You're strong"

"I know" I said.
I was paralyzed with fear the whole night.  I covered myself with my blanket and stared at the TV.  I was watching music videos to calm my nerves.  Every tiny noise made me jump.  I got up and walked into the kitchen for some food.  I felt so jittery.  I opened up the fridge and grabbed leftover chicken.  I heard the song switch.  The volume got louder.  I froze in place.  That song.  I knew it all too well.  It was the song that played when I first met Ethan.  I stared out of the corner of my eye.  A silhouette stepped closer to me.  I slowly placed the bowl of food on the counter.  He grabbed me and slammed me against the wall.  I stared up at him in fear.

"Ethan" I said.  My lip wobbled and tears flooded out of my eyes.  He slapped me hard across the face.  I yelped in pain. 

"You're mine!" he yelled "You slept with him!  You kissed him!" He slapped me again.  "Get your shit!"

"No!" I yelled.  He grabbed me by the neck.  I stared at him in fear again.

"I said get your shit!" He threw me to the ground.  I tried to crawl away but he grabbed me by my hair.  I screamed in pain as he pulled me to my feet.  I stared at my phone on the ground.  I stepped on the home button. 

"Pete!" I screamed.  Ethan laughed and threw me down.  I heard Siri speak under me.

Calling Pete.

"He can't save you" He snarled.  He hadn't heard it.  Thank god.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled.  He pulled me to my feet by my hair again.  I screamed in pain.

"Get your shit!  Now!  You're coming with me!" He rammed his fist across my face.  I sobbed loudly and fell to my knees.  I stared at my phone.  The call had been going on for a minute. 

"I love you" I quietly said to it. 

"What?" Ethan asked.

"I said, fine, I'll go!" I yelled.  He grabbed my arm and yanked me upstairs.  I stared at my phone again.  The call had ended and I knew Pete had heard every little sound.
"Faster!" he yelled.  I started stuffing clothes into my bag.  "Fucking bitch" more tears fell down my face.  "You whore, how dare you sleep with another man!" He grabbed me by my shirt collar.  "You sleep with me and only me do you understand that!?"  I saw Pete standing in the door way.

"Yo fucker!" He yelled.  Ethan dropped me and turned around.  Pete slammed him across the face.  Ethan grabbed him and punched him so hard it knocked him to the ground.  Pete grabbed his legs taking him down too.  But, Ethan won.  He rammed Pete against the door and slammed his head so hard it knocked him out cold.

"Fucker!" I screamed.  I grabbed Ethan by the hair and started slamming his head against the wall "Dont you ever hurt him!" I screamed.  I kneed him in the ribs.  He grabbed me and punched me across the face. He threw me back and rammed my head against the wall.  "Pete" I said falling down.  The world went black.

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