Chapter 13

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"Get in" Harry says pointing to the car.

"Why" i ask

"Stop asking questions and just do it"

"But I'm hungry'"

"We can eat where we are going"

"Where are we going?"

"Get in the car"

"Where are we going?"

"Get in the car first"

"But I'm hungry"

"Get. In. The. Car. Now. Ally" harry Says angrily

"But. I'm. Hungry. Harry" I say mimicking Harry's tone.

"Can I drive?" I ask

"No, get in the car"

"Why can't I drive?"

"You are not driving my car"


"I leaving without you" harry says getting into the driver side.

"Alex won't be happy if you leave me" I say

"Well I suggest you get into the car"

"But I want to drive"

"If I let you drive will you get into the car?" Harry asks

"Yes" i say smiling proudly at the fact that I won this argument

"Get in" Harry says while he gets out of the car.

Before we even started driving Harry had already told me not to scratch or dint his car. After his long lecture we left the shops.

"What was that?" I ask Harry

"What was what?" he says

"I think a rock hit your car" I say

"Stop the car now" harry say angrily "See this is why I didn't want you to drive, if there is any marks you are dead"

Harry gets out to check the car and see if any dints were made.

"You are lucky" Harry says

We continue to drive to the unknown destination, Harry would give me directions but wouldn't tell me where we were headed.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks while I pull the car over to the side of the road.

"I'm so sorry Harry but I think I hit a stick or something and it hit the car" I say sincerely

I watch as Harry's facial expression begin to darken. He is furious.

"You are not driving my car anymore...."harry yells

"I think you have a short temper" I say interrupting Harry's rant

"I don't care you have probably ruined my car and you are going to fix it" Harry says getting into the drivers seat

After a short of complete silence I decide to speak up.

"Harry, it was a joke" I says trying not to laugh


"I never hit anything"

"You are lucky I'm driving or you would be dead" Harry says not even bothering to look at me.

Once again the ride is silence. The car eventually stops and we arrive outside Harry's house. I still don't know why I'm here.





~Maddy xx

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