Chapter 40

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(Has a mention of suicide, of you have those kind of thoughts may want to not read. Also if you do you are welcome to talk to me :) I'm always here to listen)

"Now what could you possibly want Harry?"

"You know Alex should have told you the crash of your parents was no accident" Harry says to me

"What do you mean?"

"They, your parents caused it"

"But it was still an accident"

"No Ally, it was a suicidal crash"

"What! your joking" I scream

My parents wouldn't kill themselves. They had so much to live for, yeah many people do say that about people who kill themselves but this time it's true. They had two children, who loved them very much. I know we can be difficult sometimes but not to the point of mum and dad wanting to commit suicide.

"Why?" I ask


"What do you mean 'you'?"

"Ally, you are the reason for their death and you are going to be the reason for Alex's death" Harry say pointing at me when he says 'you'

"Don't be ridiculous I'm not the reason" I yell

"Yes you were, you are so difficult to live with, you argue with everyone about anything"

I'm not the reason. I couldn't be.

"Your lying" I tell Harry

"But really you are lying to yourself as you don't want to believe that your the reason for all of this"

"I'm not the reason" I yell

But I yell a bit too loud as a couple of nurses rush in to see what is wrong.

"Is everything alright in here?" one of them asks

"Yes it's fine, just having a hard time dealing with this" I say pointing towards Alex.

"Oh alright if you need anything just call"

The nurses begin to walk away but Harry speaks, unfortunately.

"Um I would like to have Ally, the girl over there to be removed from this room" he says to the two nurses

"Yes why is that?" the same nurse asks

"She is being rude and disruptive "Harry says

The nurse walks over to me and says

"Ok, ma'am I have to ask you to leave"

"I don't think so I am his sister unlike those five guys who are not relatives" I yell

"Ma'am calm down please"

"Don't call me ma'am or tell me what to do. This is my brother" I yell

The nurse looks over at the other lady that is by the door and she walks out.

"Security is coming if you don't leave willingly"

"This is my brother" I yell

Unfortunately security comes, the grab my arms but I won't let them take me away from Alex. He is my brother. He is my family. I try and get out of their grasps by wriggling and kicking around. But. It's no use. They manage to pull me it of the room.

"Ma'am of you don't calm down we have to ban you from entering the hospital" one of the guards say

"Let go of me. I need to see my brother" I say

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