Chapter 38

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"Don't you dare touch him!" I yell at Harry

"Aww why not? I had so much fun beating the shit out of him" Harry says laughing

"I'm sure he would have fun doing that to you as well, I know I would"

Harry shuts up..

"Why are you even doing this?" I ask

I have no idea why Harry would do this. Why would he join the gang, then go through all the effort of being buddy-buddy with Alex then to turn on him. It makes no sense.

Wouldn't Harry just go for Alex at the start?

"Lets just say your parents death wasn't an accident"

"You didn't kill them did you?" I ask

"No I didn't Ally. How heartless do you think I am?"

"Should I answer that?" I say

"No Ally dont"

At that moment I forgot about everything. I was laughing with Harry. I was having fun.

"Can you tell me why you are doing this. Maybe I can fix it?" I say

"You know Alex and I have been friends since we were kids. Alex joined the gang after your parents died"

"Yeah I know that"

"Do you know why he joined that gang?" he asks


"He joined the gang because he needed a group of people who would protect him"

"Protect him from what?" I ask

"Me" harry says

"Why?" i ask

"To be in this gang you had an initiation process and Alex needed to well he needed to show he was dominant and could control people"


"He asked me for help, he asked me to help him become leader"

"So your to blame, your the one who ruined my brother" I yell

"Ally listen, he made a mockery of me. He embarrassed me infront of everyone in the old gang. I still see some of them and they laugh at me still"

"So your getting back at Alex because you got embarrassed?"


"So you think you can beat my brother?" I yell

"If he dies I swear I will do more than embarrass you" I yell at Harry

"Ally too late" Harry says





~Maddy xx

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