Chapter 28

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"When are we going home?" I ask for I think the tenth time.

"We aren't" Alex says

"What" I yell at him

"I decided that we are going to stay over"

"Since when do you get to decide these things?" I ask

Alex ignores me and continues to watch the tv.

I haven't moved once since I have sat down, not once.

"What's for dinner?"

"Not sure" Liam replies

"I'm hungry. Can we have dinner yet?" I ask

"Not yet" Alex says

"I'm bored. What can we do?"

"Read a book" Liam says

"I have already. What else can I do?"

"Be quiet" Alex yells

Alex wants to boss me around. I'm going to be as difficult as I can.

"I'm hungry"

No one speaks

"I'm hungry, I'm hungry" I keep repeating this for a while

"I could make a song out of this" i say "I'm hungry yes I am, I'm super hungry and no one is feeding me" I sing awfully. I'm not the best singer.

Still no one talks to me or yells or reacts in any way.

"What do you think of my song guys?" I ask the boys

"If we get you food will you shut up?" Niall asks

"Um maybe. Depends on what we are eating" I say

"Lets just get pizza" Liam say

All the boys agree but me, I'm going to make this difficult

"I don't want pizza Alex" I whine

"Ally, you eat pizza every other time" Alex says

"Yeah, but I want a cooked meal not take away" I say

Even though I really want pizza, I want to make this difficult.

"Too bad we are having pizza. Niall ring up" Alex says

"I'm hungry, Alex-poo"

"Ally, I'm warning you don't"

"Do I get put into time out? how many warnings do I get? what happens after the warnings?" I ask

"Shut up" Harry yells.

Looks like I'm annoying people.

Plan is successful!

"But I'm hungry and bored" I say

"Go upstairs and get another book" Harry says

Another book. The folder with the information is in that room.

"Fine" I say slowly getting up from my spot.

"Finally" I hear one of the boys say

I walk up the stairs making sure to make alot of noise.

"Ally, stop stomping up the stairs" Alex scolds

And just to annoy him I make sure to stomp loud up each step.

I walk into the room and put my book back and get another one out.

I walk over to the desk again and grab the folder.

I look at the documents in it.

Birth certificate

School records

New paper clippings

Medical records

The folder has everything. If you read all the papers you would know everything about Alex.

But why?

Why do the boys have all this?

It's not like I can ask them. They will know I have been snooping around.

"What are you doing?" someone asks making me jump

I turn and see Harry standing by door.

"I needed a pen and paper" I say trying to make up a lie

"Why?" Harry ask

"I wanted to write down the book titles so I can get Alex to buy them" I say

"You can borrow them" Harry says


"Foods here"

I nod and walk over to the door but in the process I knock over the pile of papers.

"I'm so sorry" I say as I bend down and pick them up.

"Leave it" Harry says sound annoyed at me

"Go downstairs, I will fix it" Harry says

I nod and walk down the stairs.

Now back to...

Round two of being annoying.





~Maddy xx

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