Chapter 8: Request

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Alright readers sorry about the wait!😅😇I hope you forgive me, anyway, listen to the video at the top, ( Imagine Dragons GOLD ) I hope you enjoy the chapter.
"RARE!!" Mana's enthusiastic voice rang through my room as she barged in, jumping on my bed. I was in my nightgown, and was on my way to bed, well until this happened. I sighed heavily and smiled at her, me and Mana had become quite close, like sisters to say most. "What brings you here, and why so late, shouldn't you be studying with Mahad?" I cocked my head to the side, she only smiled and shook her head. "No, the party lasted a little longer than expected, so Mahad said my night training could be done another time. Plus I ate a lot of sweets, so yeah going to sleep is not one of my options now!" I closed my eyes and laugh a little. "I should've known you were on a sugar rush." She just giggled, "Rare I didn't realize your talent in dance?" I blushed and looked at her, a large teasing grin on her face. I turned my gaze to something other than her knowing one. She was one of the few people that actually knew my actual feelings I had for him, and to say the least she used it as a tool to tease me. "Atem must've been clueless as well." She said in a matter-of-fact tone, I blinked and looked back at her. Her eyes holding more mischief gleam than usual. <She knows something I don't, doesn't she....> "What in Ra's name are thinking and/or planning Mana?" A smirk creeped onto her face, and I was feeling a little regretful of asking my last question. "Oh nothing, I just came by here to deliver a message Seto asked me to give you." She stood, I did as well, curious as to what message I was to receive. I narrowed my eyes at her, and she laughed lightly. "A request is more like it." I groaned in annoyance. "Just tell me!.." She opened the door to leave, she tilted her head back and gave a quick wink. "The pharaoh requests your presence in his chambers, tell me all about it tomorrow." With that she left. Her last words ring in my head. "I wonder what that meant?.." I mumbled to myself as I made my way to Atem's chambers. So many things ran through my head. <What and why was he acting so zoned out? Did I do something wrong, all I did was dance....But that look in his eyes..> As I recalled the look in his eyes made a pure shiver rush through me. Heat rose from my waist down, I took a deep breath calming myself. <I can't think like that, I'm only his personal servant, and friend nothing more..> I reached the doors to his chambers, taking another sharp inhale before knocking. Seconds passed before an all to familiar deep voice spoke. "Enter Rarity." <He only says my name if it's serious..> I slowly entered closing the doors, before looking up. I blushed as I saw Atem leaning on a wall with his toned chest showing, the bottom of his tunic his only clothing. <Ra help me!..> I desperately think as the heat builds in my core. (A/N it was the only word I could think of for a second)
That's chapter8
Author-Chan: I am so sorry readers, I was in the hospital with a minor concussion, but I promise to update sooner😜🤕
Atem: It's about time🙄
Author-Chan: (growls) Shut it I may have a concussion but I still can beat your asss!😡
Rarity: I advise you not to Author-Chan, we don't want you to get worse😇😅
Atem: (mumbles) Cause I might make it worse, by beating her😏
Author-Chan: That's it (grabs a Harley Quinn bat and chases Atem) 😈
Rarity: (face palms) Ra🙄...any way vote, comment, share, and keep being great!😇

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