Chapter 1:How to be A Sissy

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"I never dreamed about success.
I worked for it-"
-Estee Lauder-

It was noisy.

I was sitting down in my first class,reviewing the chapter to memories it again.And I'm the only person who would want go do that.Like,who was reviewing chapter for the lesson?

"Come on,Chlo.Don't be such a good girl and join us after school,"my friend,Leigh Watson pleaded at me with her innocent face.

"I can't.There's a homework and I have to do it,"

Another lame reason.

I never get to hang out with them afterschool because of homeworks,quizzes,test and stuff.I'm such a bad friend.I can't never really talk to them because all I know is to STUDY.

I started to try answering questions in the book.To make me even concentrated,I used my headphone.I neglected the other except me and my book.


I heard that sound.I open my headphone and stared at the door.Is he or she dumb?The door itself isn't locked!!!!Then it opens.

I saw a boy.

I mean,new boy.

He's one of the type of rude,arrogant and the fact that he's super hot.He smirk at everyome and then he walks.

4 tables before me.

3 tables before me.

2 tables before me.

1 table before me.

And then,surprisely,he put his bag beside me and then sit like nothing happens.


I,definitely,the most boring friends to sit with.And he choose me?What kind of guy is he?

I stared at him,looking for explanation while he just ignored me like I was invisible.

"What are you looking at Sissy?"he then asked me with his typica smirking I just saw a few minutes before.


"Yeah,I called every girl like you Sissy coz you're all the same,"

No one ever calls me that name!I know I was called perfect,smart and also talented.But nobody,not even my parents called me with those ridiculous name!!!

"Excuse me,but I'm not your kind of Sissy,you asshole!"

"So what makes you different than my "Sissy"?"

"Well...,"I was thinking for a second.

He glared at me ,"You can't answer me that means nothing makes you different than them!"

"Really?Then show me what makes me and your "Sissy" the same!"

"Okay!I'll show you!"

Then the teacher comes.Its Miss Mowie class.She's one of the teacher that always be the joke of the class.I mean,she's the weird teacher that you maybe never met.

I mean,who walks with an old fashioned clothes,used weird make-up and also can't even remember hee own students!!

"Okay class,let us started,"

The Annoying Boy then walked slowly and then take Miss Mowie's marker and hid it behind the cupboard.After that,he sneaked back to his seat without Miss Mowie's noticed.

"What are you doing?"I hissed at him.

"Just wait and see,"He glanced over me and smile arrogantly.

Miss Mowie's morning briefing is done and as usual she started to write on the whiteboard to explain us about the subject we learned.

But,she can't find her marker.

And its all because of him.

He just smile arrogantly at me.Its like he's waiting at me to do something.He is a real asshole.

I walk to the cupblard,take Miss Mowie's marker then bring it to jer with a smile I always do to every teacher.

"Thank you Miss Jennings," She smiled back.

"It's Jameson not Jennings,WEIRDOS!!"

I turned to see who's shouting while Miss Mowie's trembling .That jerk.What is he thinking shouting like a bitch in the classroom.

"I'm sorry Miss,I don't remember your name,"Miss Mowie apologize.

"It's fine Miss,just a simple mistake,"I tried to calm her then went back to my seat.

I clenched my teeth,and whisler to him furiously,"What in the hell were you thinking?"

"First thing to be a Sissy:Always helping and also never gets angry at teachers,"He whispered softly in my ears.

I tried hard to stop myself not to shout at him right now.He's such an asshole.And what is his problem???

"Did anyone know where America drops its atom bom in the World War II?"

I raised my hand in the air as soon as Miss Mowie finishes her question.

"Yes,Miss Jennings?"

"In Japan,quitely in the city of Nagasaki and Hiroshima,"I answered.

"Correct,"Miss Mowie smiled then continued writing on the whiteboard.

"Second thing to be a Sissy:Answering questions from teachers correctly and precisely,"he whispered,mocking me.

I tried to ignored him.He's one of the trouble I don't want to get into.And I,Chloe,never gets into trouble.

"Class dismissed,tomorrow please learn chapter 12.Miss Jennings,please help me bringing this books to my office,"

The others are going out and went to their next class.I take my bags then bring the books to Miss Mowie's office like I usually do.Then..

"Need some help?"

"Nope,just go away,"I muttered.

He ignored me and take a half of the books and hold it.

"So,where's Miss Mowie's office?"

"its beside the French Class,"

I walked faster,leading the way and also I want to stay away from him as much as possible.

I knocked the door once then open it and saw Miss Mlwie herself in it.I put the books on the table.The boy puts the other half right next to it.

"Thank you Miss Jameson and you are?"Miss Mowie looks confused seing his face.

"Its Jace.Jace Anderson Miss,"he answered.

"Aahh,yes.Thank you for your help.You may go to your next class,"

I walked out of the room.So,they boy has a name.Jace.Not too bad for a boy.Especially a hot guy like him.

"Last thing to be a Sissy:Knowing my name,"he smirked and then gone in the crowds of people.

What do you think of the story?Is it good or bad?I know my grammar isn't perfect but I'm learning!

By the way ,if you want to see my face or chat with me in the social media,you can follow my instagram acc:@LizzieAndrea90

Hope you like the story!😊


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