REQUEST Altaïr X sister reader

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bxbblecum here's your Altaïr X sister reader. Hope you enjoy it

"(Y/N)! What in peets name do you think your doing?"

By brother, Altaïr yelled from the ground. I was halfway up a tower in masyaf.

"Climbing! Care to join me brother?"

I call down and he starts to climb his way up. I wait for him at the halfway point and we continue our climb up.

When we get to the top we take a seat on the leadge. Our legs are hanging off the side and we're sitting next to each other.

"(Y/N) I need to tell you something you may not like."

Altaïr said and he imeaditly got my full attention. His face is one of guilt and pity.

"Altaïr, what did you do?"

I ask and he takes my hand in his. He looks me in the eyes and I return the gesture.

"You are if age to me married. I believe I've found someone for to be married to."

He tells me and I am taken back. Why would he do this?

"Who is it Altaïr?"

I ask him as I look down at my feet. Hightstown never really bothered me at all.

"A man named nathan. I've met him and he is a nice guy. He's kind, loyal and would make a grate husband."

He tells me and a few tears fall from my eyes.

"Altaïr, I want to stay with you. Why? Why dose it have to be nathan? Couldn't you do someone from the order. Heck! I wouldn't care if you did malik. I just want to be able to stay with you!"

I say as more tears fall from my face. He pulls me into a hug and I let him.

"I tried to find someone in the order but no one would accept you because your my sister. There afraid that if they hurt you I'll kill them."

He says as he continues to try and stop my crying.

"Altaïr I just don't want to. Please call it off."

I beg him and he sighs.

"Okay (Y/N) I'll call it off on one condition."

He tells me and I smile.

"Oh my alleh! I love you Altaïr! What's the condition?"

I yell and he smiles. We both stand up and he looks me in the eyes.

"You have to do the leap of faith."

He tells me and I sigh.


I speak as I get ready to jump off the leadge.

"On 3. Okay."

Altaïr says as he moves behind me.



Altaïr yells as he pushes me off. I adjust myself so I'm in the correct position. I feel like I'm flying but that's all over once I land in the haystack.

"I hate you Altaïr."

I tell him after he jumps down.

"No you love me."

He says back and I roll my eyes. We get out of the haystack and walk back to masyaf castle.

"Wait, isn't nathan the man you assassinate a few weeks ago?"

I ask Altaïr and he smiles ask me then runs off at full speed.


He yells back as he runs. I sigh and chase after the idoit that is my brother.

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