REQUEST connor X Lizzy OC

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RedNightingale62 here is your connor one shot. I had to change a few things but I hope you like it.

"No Elizabeth! You are to marry Mr.Lee!"

My father yelled at me. I absolutely hated lee. He was arrogant, secretive, and just couldn't be tolerated.

"I hate him father! Can't you see that?!"

I yell back and he stands up.

"Elizabeth you are to marry Mr.lee and no one else. I have already chosen him and you will respect my choice."

My father yells and I sigh as I stomp my foot. I stomp all the way to my room. When I get there I grab my saddle bag and pack it full.

I pack pants, blouses, gloves, socks, a dagger, and a jacket with a hood. This jacket was white and red. It was passed down to me by my mother. Her father had given it to her, and his father to him, and so on. Apparently it's ittalin.

I put on that jacket with a pair of grey trousers and brown leather knee high boots. I put a red belt around my jacket. I place a dagger and my money pouch on the belt.

I take one last look around my room. My family has always been rich so we had a lot of stuff.

I sigh as I throw my saddle bag over my sholder. I climb out the window and when I hit the ground I make a run for the stables.

When I get there I tack up my horse, thunder. He's the fastest and strongest horse in the colonies.

I mount him and we ride out of new York as fast as possible.

-2 days later-

I ride into a small community. It has farmers, blacksmiths, and even a doctor.

I ride up to the inn and tie thunder to the post outside. When I walk inside there is a lot of people talking and laughing. Behind the counter there is an old couple.

"Hello dear. How may I help you?"

The lady asks me with a smile on her face. I smile back as I place 5 coins on the counter.

"I need a room please."

I tell her as I hear someone yell.


Someone yells and one man bolts out of the inn. I shrug and turn back to the lady. She smiles as she hands me my room key.

"Thank you."

I thank her as I turn and go up the stairs. I smile as I walk into my room. I nod and shut the door behind me. I walk back outside and mount thunder again.

We begin a small trot around this little community. But when we hear yelling I gallop towards the source. There is a dock and on the dock there is a man in white and blue. His jacket looks a lot like mine.

"Someone help him!"

"Get the doctor!"

Millions of things were being yelled but I just walked up to him. This man was obviously the captain of this ship. He had been stabbed in the stomach and is unconscious.

For once I can thank father for making me go through a medical course.

I kneel down next to the man and I take his jacket off. I cut his shirt down the middle to fully examine the wound.

It is a large gash, around 4 inches in length and about half an inch deep. I take his shirt and cut off a chunk of cloth. I hold it to the wound trying my best to ignore this man's abs.

I hold pressure on the wound till it stops bleeding.

"Someone get me a needle and thread!"

I shout behind me. I hear footsteps on the dock then a hand on my sholder. An older man with grey in hair and a beard hands me the needle and thread.

I slowly begin to stich this man up. When I'm done I look back and my work. It's done neatly and nicely, but my hands are a diffrent story.

I take his shirt and wrap it around his wound. Just then I hear harder footsteps on the dock. I turn to see the doctor smiling at me.

"Good job miss. If you hadn't been here connor wouldn't have survived."

The doctor told me and I smiled. So this is connor.

"What is your name?"

The doctor asks me and I nod.

"Elizabeth, sir."

I tell him and he chuckles.

"A woman who can save a life, is an assassin, and has manners. Well I'm do you have a place to stay?" asks me and I nod.

"The inn sir."

I tell him and he smiles and walks away. I turn back to connor to see that he is slowly beginning to wake up.

When he wakes up he stands up with the help of a crew member. He looks at me and frowns. He can't see my eyes because of my hood.

"Who are you?"

Connor asks me and I smile.

"The one who saved your life."

I tell him as I begin to walk back to thunder.

"Wait! Where may I be able to find you?"

Connor asks as I mount thunder.

"The inn."

I tell him and I kick thunder into a gallop. I ride around the small community till the sun sets.

When I arrive back at the inn a thunder of applause fills my ears. I look around to see everyone from this small community smiling at me.

"Thank you for saving me. But I really must know your name. And I know your an assassin but your accent is unfamiliar to me. What brother hood are you from?"

Connor says and I smile. He now has his jacket on. It looks like mine except it's blue and white.

"My name is Elizabeth and I'm not an assassin. This was given to me by my mother, her name was Claudia. It was given to her to match my great great great grand mother."

I tell him and he nods.

"It's your last name auditore by Andy chance?"

He asks me and I gasp.

"H-how did you know?"

I ask him and he smiles.

"Attention! I have found the lost ittalin mentor!"

Connor shouts and everyone yells and cheers.

"We must start your training now."

Connor said as he lead me out of the inn.

Over the next 3 months connor and I have grown to love one another. We have been training nonstop and I'm getting stronger.

But one thing was always on my mind, what happened to Mr.lee?

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