REQUEST arno X templar reader

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Here you are AnacanLabyrinth I hope this is all to your liking.

I was standing in the ally waiting for the man I needed to capture to walk in my direction. I needed to capture arno dorian to receive some information. Then when I have it, I would kill him and end the dorian family line forever.

I saw him walk twards the ally slowly. 'Man he looks hot.' I say to myself and I shake my head right after. WHAT AM I THINKING?! I can't think about him that way. 'Ugh! But he is so hot. The way he walks.' I say to myself and I try to slap myself out of it but I fail everytime.

He gets close enough and I shoot him with a sleep dart. But it fails and he dodges it.

"Come out templar!"

He shouts into the ally. I walk out with my hood off to show I'm a women, maybe he liked women?

"You called."

I say in my usual voice. He spins around and looks suprised to see a woman. I smile as I walk up to him.

"Y-your a woman?!"

He Shays shocked. I roll my eyes at him as I walk closer still.

"Yes, and you are a man."

I say and he rolls his eyes. I regain my composure and look him dead in the eye.

"What do you want?"

He asks me and I smile. I ready another sleep dart as I look at him.


I say as I fire the dart. He dodges it yet again. 'Very quick reflexes. Hot. I wonder how he would do in....' I scold myself before I can finish that.

He welds his sward from his place on his hip. I weld mine as well and we lunge at each other. He sweeps my leg forcing me to the ground. Instead of killing me then and there he dose what I never thought he would do.

Arno dorian, the man I was sent to capture, kissed me in a dirty ally.

He picked me up off the ground and set me on my feet. I can't help but become completely stunned. I calm myself only to see him gone. 'Perfect, the grandmaster is going to kill me.'

I say to myself as I walk out of the ally.

Narrator perspective

But little did (Y/N) know, arno was on the roof top, watching her leave the ally.

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