(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Chapter 2~

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Hey my second time readers!!<3 If this is your first time then.. NO GOING PAST THIS POINT.. MAJOR SPOILERS.. in the book.. xD teehee... Okay I'm sorry for my weirdness.. Bye!! :3 Enjoooyyyy!!<3

And remember.. A smile is the best makeup you could wear<3 ()*:・゚

(Sasuke's POV)

I woke up.. That was.. a weird dream.. I-I've never thought of Naruto that way.. I haven't exactly hated Naruto.. I just-.. It's hard to explain it.. But now.. I feel different.. There's no point in denying it.. I like Naruto.. and I have to make him mine.

I got up and looked around. I was in.. Sakura's house?

"Good morning Sasuke-kun!" Sakura squealed

I jumped. I nearly knocked over Sakura's bright pink lamp, I quickly put it back.

"Sakura? You scared me.." I muttered

"Oh sorry Sasuke-kun!" Sakura said, a wide smile was still on her face. Ugh how much I hate the fangirls..

"What am I doing here?" I asked, in my cold voice

"Oh we finished the Chunin exam!" exclaimed Sakura, her face glowing

"Huh? I-" I began

"You were too weak to continue so Naruto was carrying you around wherever he went" she grinned

Naruto.. carried me? I felt hotness gather in my face.. what was this feeling?.. I've never felt it before.. I've never really had any other emotions other than hatred and coldness..

"Sasuke-kun!! Are you okay?" Sakura said, her eyes were filled with fear

"I'm fine. I'm going home" I said, walking out of her house before she could stop me.

I noticed a blonde boy walking across the street to the ramen booth.. Naruto..Before I could think about it I decided to go there too.. even though I don't exactly like ramen.. I walked in and took a seat next to Naruto. I looked at the menu and decided to order just ramen.. no flavors whatsoever.. I don't like sour, salty, or sweet things so..

"Sasuke?" said Naruto, he turned to me

"Oh hey Naruto" I blushed

"What are you doing here?" asked Naruto

"Getting some ramen.." I said, what does he think I'm doing? Mowing the lawn? Pfft Idiot..

"Oh.." said Naruto

I saw that Naruto had eaten three bowls of ramen.. I don't think he can afford it all..

"Naruto..It's on me.. I'll buy you the ramen" I said, my voice no longer cold.. but rather.. soft.

"Whaaaaa? Really Really?" he smiled, his excitment was just so adorable..

"Yes, dobe" I said, I smiled

"Wow.. thanks teme" he smiled back

We ate some ramen (I hated it so I only bought one bowl for myself) and talked about random things like Ninjustsu and just stuff. I didn't really listen because I was busy looking into his deep blue eyes.. Damn.. I guess I DO have a little crush on him..

"Sasuke? Earth to Sasuke.." Naruto waved a hand in front of my eyes

I blushed.. I guess I've been wayyyy too into his eyes..

"Huh?" I said

"Time for payment, please!" yelled the man in the counter.

"Oh.." I said, I took out my wallet and payed for it. I looked at my wallet.. I can't do this too much.. If I do.. I'll be poor.. I looked at Naruto a wide smile on his face.. but it's worth it.. just look at that smile.. I smiled a little and blushed.

I finished paying for it and walked Naruto out.

"Thanks Sasuke" said Naruto

"No problem" I smiled

"But Sasuke.. why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" asked Naruto

I hesitated.. I mean, I couldn't tell him that I kinda like him..No I can't.

"I now consider you a friend" I said, blushing

"Oh" smiled Naruto

We continued walking until we reached Naruto's house.

"Bye Naruto" I said, I said this wayyyy too softly.. too soft for my liking, I sounded like Hinata..

"Bye Sasuke" he said

I began to walk back home.. How will I make Naruto like me back? He likes Sakura.. Sakura is a girl.. I need to make a plan to make him like me. Because Uchihas always get their way. Even if Naruto doesn't like me now, he will like me soon.. I reached my house and sat in bed. I wanna spend more time with Naruto.. I'll text him<3.. (A/N: I know that in the Ninja world there's no phones, ipads, computers but.. eh just enjoy xD)

(Naruto's POV)

Why is Sasuke being so nice?.. I sat there in my bed thinking about him. I guess he DOES wanna be my friend.. I enjoy that, I think I could get used to him being my friend.. I picked up my computer and checked my email. Hmm a text from Sasuke and a text from Sakura.. Sakura-chan? ;D!! I'll check Sasuke's first, since he bought me my ramen<3 :D

Text from UchihaSasuke sent at 4:46 pm

Hey Naruto, want to go to the movies tomorrow at 5:30?

Does he really wanna go to the movies with me? Wow I'm definitely gonna go.. I think.. Hmm.

Message sent by NaruNaruWhale at 4:47 pm

Yeah sure, what movie?


Text from UchihaSasuke sent at 4:49 pm

How about Godzilla?? I mean if you like that kind of stuff..

Godzilla? What is that? I made a new tab on my computer and looked up Godzilla.. A giant monster?.. Horror?.. It's not really my scene but.. I really wanna hang with Sasuke..

Message sent by NaruNaruWhale at 4:53 pm

Yeah sure, see you tomorrow!

Okay I've kept Sakura-Chan waiting for long enough.. let's see what you need my Sakura<3

Text from SakuraNugget<33 at 4:41 pm

Party at my house, at 5:30!! All contacts invited!!!! (Sent to all) RSVP to party and fun at my house!! Bye~

Score!! Sakura invited ME?!! ;D!! But wait.. didn't Sasuke invite me to the movies tomorrow at 5:30 too?.. Where am I gonna go?.. To Sakura-Chan's party.. or to hang out with Sasuke?..This is gonna be a hard choice.. ;C


(Sasuke's POV)

I read over Naruto's text over and over.. Did he really just say yes? I guess getting him to like me is a tad easier than I thought ;).. Why am I smiling?.. I don't smile..

"I'M AN UCHIHA DAMMIT!" I yelled..Well I guess liking someone is harder than I thought..This is gonna be a long and hard road.. But I've already chosen it..

DUN DUN DUNNNNN!!! I made a shorter chapter for you guys!!<3 Next time I'll make it longer though ;D! Are you liking it so far???? If you see any spelling mistakes tell me right away and I'll fix it, because I want this book to be enjoyable for you<3 But the big question is.. will Naruto choose Sasuke or Sakura?.. And will Sasuke calm down?.. Find out in the next Chapter! Also Valentine's is just THREE days away!!<33 If you guys noticed anything I did (I hid some stuff in there.. >:D) then comment!! Okay byeeeee see ya in the next chapter!! (ノ・ω)

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