Chapter 24: Alone

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"Levy, let Sig carry you," Izumi said for the eight millionth time today.

"Over. My. Dead. Body," I replied as I hobbled along. When we escaped, we had no idea where we were. We were in the middle of absolute nowhere. So we were walking, hopefully going to run into the nearest town. Even with my current disability, I was still staying in the middle of the group.

"Levy, every time we rest you collapse onto the ground, at this point when we stop for the night you aren't going to wake up," she argued.

"I am not going to be carried, Izumi. As long as I can stand on my own two feet then I will walk," I replied.

"Fine," Izumi said before clapping her hands together and placing one on my left hand and right leg, returning the metal to its original form, making me fall to the ground.

"Izumi!" I shouted before Sig picked me up in his arms. "This isn't fair."

"Who said I care about it being fair?" she asked.

Eventually, I fell asleep in Sig's arms as my muscles finally had a chance to relax from being worked so hard. I couldn't wait to get real automail back. I woke up when I heard a lot of noise.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We're in Drachma," Sig answered. "Someone is letting us use the phone and they're arguing about who to call.

"Are they next to the phone?" I asked and he shook his head. "Then get me there." Sig walked me to the phone, setting me on a table. I told him the number to dial and he held the phone to my ear as it rang.

"Hello?" the person answered.

"Put Olivier on right now," I ordered.

"The Lieutenant General is occupied right now," he replied.

"I don't care if she's talking to Fuhrer Mustang! You put my mother on the phone right now!" I yelled. The arguments a few feet away from me stopped.

"Levy?" Olivier said as she answered the phone.

"I'm okay, well for the most part. I found the Curtises and the rest of the alchemists... well some of them," I said.

"What do you mean for the most part?" she asked angrily.

"I lost my automail, but Izumi gave me stationary replacements for now so I'm doing alright," I replied. "Anyway, we need help. We're in Drachma, by the climate we're definitely near the West Area of Amestris, there's no way to get back into Amestris without our side trying to kill us or without having Drachma find out there's a bunch of Amestrian alchemists here."

"We'll figure something out, but with everything going on the alchemists have basically gone into hiding," she explained.

"What about Mustang? He's the Fuhrer, surely he can do something," I questioned.

"The coward was finally convinced by Riza to lay low. Even my disgrace of a brother is managing it," she explained.

"You're all the way in the north, but couldn't you make a call?" I asked.

"The west is still unsettled after everything with the murderer, they're still working on getting higher ranking officers there," she explained.

"Well, what the hell do you suggest?" I asked. "We can't stay here. I have no way to get automail, I can't use alchemy at all." I sighed. "We'll figure it out. We're a group of alchemists, we can do it. How are the Elrics? Have you heard from them?"

"Heard from them? They're here," she said.

"Is Selim there too?" I asked and she stayed quiet. "Olivier. Where's Selim? Did he get taken?"

"He's Pride, Levy. We've locked him away," she said.

"No," I stated.


"No! Selim isn't Pride! He isn't!" I shouted into the phone.

"You weren't there! You never met Pride, you don't know how horrible he is, so Selim will remain locked up," she replied.

"I don't want to talk to her," I said as I pushed myself off the table landing on my one good leg and hopping away. Izumi took over the phone call. Of course, I get Selim free and he's arrested by Olivier. Unfortunately, he would have to wait. I had to get back into Amestris to do anything.

Izumi hung up with Olivier after a while and she walked over to me.

"She's going to see what she can do from Amestris, but we have to get to the border," she said to me. I nodded. "Olivier is doing what she thinks is right, if Selim really is Pride again, then he needs to be locked up until-"

"You can kill him like all the other homunculi," I finished. "Selim. Is. Not. Pride. And when we get home I'll show everyone."

"Selim managed to fool everyone into thinking he was an innocent child, he could be pretending now. He could be behind all of this," she said.

"I refuse to believe he has anything to do with this."

"You can't let your feelings for him get in the way of practical thinking Levy. Ed saw him use Pride's power."

I saw it too, but that didn't mean... that didn't mean he was Pride. "This isn't about my feelings. It's about locking up an innocent man."

"And how will you prove he's innocent?" she asked.

"I'm going back. I'm going to find the people responsible," I said.

"You can't walk on your own Levy," she reminded smugly. I hit my metal hand against my left wrist and touched the table I was sitting on. This time I had a wooden leg for my replacement, still not the best but it wasn't as heavy as the steel. I also finished my left hand.

"I can walk just fine. You get everyone back to Amestris, they'll need you there especially if you get attacked again. I will find out what's really happening and come back as soon as I can," I replied before shuffling off.

"Levy, you're just a child," she argued.

"I'm a State Alchemist, I haven't been a child for a long time," I replied before continuing walking.


Hey two chapters in a relatively short time, this hasn't happened in a long time. I hope you all enjoyed it, definitely let me know in the comments or even in private message, I love hearing from people. Now let's see how long it'll take for the next chapter... *sigh*

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