Chapter 13: Levy's Family

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"Okay, what the hell was that about? You can't go around punching your men!" Ross yelled at me. The guys were already in here.

"If it really was her dad then he deserved it," Maes stated with his arms crossed over his chest, he was hovering near me, I who hasn't said a word since coming back into the tent.

"You need to explain your actions," Brosh instructed.

"He's supposed to be dead. He left us and he never came back, he never wrote, he's supposed to be dead. But he's not." I couldn't hold back the sob that's been building ever since the day my sister died, and once I started I couldn't stop. "He's been here the entire time and my mom... and my sister, they're not here anymore. If he was home where he belonged they would both be alive." Sara sat down next to me and put her arm around my waist, pulling me closer, I set my head on her shoulder. Maes hand went to my shoulder and Trisha took my right hand in hers.

"Well I would have punched him too, did you use your automail hand?" Ross asked and I nodded. "Good, he deserved it for abandoning his family."

"I want to talk to him," I stated and they all stared at me like I was crazy. I want to know why, please I have to."

"I'll get him, everyone clear out of here," Ross said and then she left, they waited with me for two more minutes, before the four of them filed out of the room. My dad walked in a minute later.

"I'm not going to apologize for punching you," I said before he could say anything.

"Wasn't expecting you to, you never apologized for something you meant to do. Can I sit?" he asked. I nodded.

"Please don't talk to me like you know me, you know nothing about me," I stated.

"So how's your mom and Nadia? What do they think of you being a State Alchemist?" he asked and I said nothing for a minute trying to gather my thoughts. "I'll take that they don't like it."

"No, they think nothing about it because their dead," I stated and he stared at me with this blank stare. "Mom about a year and a half after you left and I was able to take care of Nadia by myself for two years before she..."

"I didn't know," he said quietly.

"You would have if you stayed with us. If you wrote us to tell us that where you were or if you were okay or if you were alive you would have found out. Do you know how hard it was without you? Mom had to work day and night to pay for what we needed and when she got sick... and then I couldn't take care of Nadia I was only eight when mom died and no one offered to help us and we had no idea if you were even alive, you'd been gone for four years with no word t that point. You know Nadia had no memory of you? None, she was too young to remember you, she was only six when mom died. She would be fourteen right now, you know that right? If you hadn't left us she would be fourteen and mom would be alive. All this time I blamed myself for not being able to save either one of them, but it's your fault, not mine. You're the dad, you're the one supposed to take care of your family a kid shouldn't be expected to do that." I couldn't help the tears that streamed down my face.

"But you know what? The Ice Queen took me in a year after Nadia died and she trained me and she loved me and the men there took care of me and now I have over a hundred fathers to make up for you not being one."

"You have automail." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. He knew nothing about alchemy, he would have no idea of how I would have gotten it.

"Frost bite. My left hand, my right arm from the elbow, my entire right leg. They're all automail."

"Levy, I'm so sorry about what happened to you."

I stood up. "No. You don't get to be sorry and you don't get to use my name. Because that girl who lost her only family doesn't exist anymore. Levy Deen doesn't exist anymore. My name is is Levy Armstrong, I am the adoptive daughter of Lieutenant General Olivier Armstrong and I am the Frost Alchemist. The girl who you were a father to for only six and a half years died five years ago."

"So you'll no longer claim you mother or sister?" he asked.

"No, you don't get to place guilt on me. You left us. You didn't write. You never came home. You're the reason they died. You're the reason I died. That is the truth of the situation. Now get the hell out of my tent before I make you," I replied and he stood up and left. My friends walked back in. "What'd you hear?"

"Nothing," Trisha lied.

"You're Elrics, you expect me to believe that?" I asked.

"Everything," Sara admitted and I nodded.

"You okay?" Maes asked as he moved closer.

"No, yes, I don't know. But I do know I needed to do that, I might not have realized it, but all these years I needed to say that to him. That was the last bit of my old life that needed tying up and now it's done," I said, Sara made her way over to me and hugged me. "I feel like a weight was lifted off of me."

"You lied about your automail," Maes commented.

"He doesn't need to know the truth, he doesn't deserve it," I replied.

"Are you really going to stay away from your dad?" Trisha asked.

"You heard me, he isn't my dad, not anymore, he lost that right to be that a long time ago," I replied. I took a deep breath. "So dinner? I need food before I begin hell tonight."

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