Chapter 6: West City

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I packed up and left the next morning, nearly everyone was upset with Mustang for sending me, but they all understood that I was under orders. So on the train to West City I went.

I got off at West City and looked around, I was supposed to be meeting with someone, but I knew no one in West City. I watched as people greeted each other while others walked off either going to work or going to see someone, and I stood there looking for anyone in a military uniform, anyone who might know where I was supposed to go. Then I saw a girl just a few years older than me standing looking around for someone, I made my way over to her.

"Please tell me you're looking for me," I said.

"Frost Alchemist?" she asked.

I sighed in relief and smiled. "Levy Armstrong, pleasure to meet you." I held out my hand.

"Thank you for finding me." she replied as she shook my hand. "I was starting to freak out because I had no idea where you were, then again I didn't know what you looked like either."

"Honestly, I was just looking for a military uniform," I replied.

"Well you found me, must be nice not having to wear one," she said.

"Being a State Alchemist has its percs," I replied.

"I'm sorry to say this, but I've heard of you before, people said you don't talk," she commented, but she looked a little embarrassed doing so.

"I didn't, the Elrics got me to talk for the first time in years and then Ed said something that changed my mind about something," I replied.

"And what was that?" she asked.

"He said that I didn't kill someone very important to me," I replied and she stared at me for a minute. "So uh Colonel Falman?"

"Oh yeah, follow me," she replied. She grabbed one of my bags and we left the station. We got into a car and started to drive.

"I'm assuming I have to wait until I see Colonel Falman to know why exactly I've been called here," I commented.

"Yep, sorry I'm lot authorized to tell you," she replied.

"What rank?" I asked.


"I'm sorry I didn't ask this earlier, but what's your name?"

"Alexis Lit," she replied.

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"You as well Frost," she said.

"How about a deal? I call you Alexis and you call me Levy," I replied.

"You're going to have to get used to the idea of people calling you Frost, it's your name now," she said.

"Those above me can call me what they want because they're higher, but for anyone who is the same rank or lower I'd prefer if they's just call me Levy or at the very least Armstrong," I replied.

"Okay, Levy it is then, it's weird being the same rank as a State Alchemist," she commented.

"Why? We both got our positions based on our skill," I replied.

"I guess you're right, you know you're pretty smart for your age," she said.

"You're not much older than me and besides Olivier doesn't condone ignorance," I replied and then we arrived. 

"I'm going to park, but just go inside and say that you're seeing Colonel Falman, someone will show you to him," she said.

"Thank you Alexis," I said before grabbing my bag and getting out of the car. I walked into the big building and looked around. 

"Excuse me girl, can I help you?" a man asked. I knew he was a sergeant.

"I'm looking for Colonel Falman," I replied.

"The Colonel is busy little girl, come back later," he said as he turned around. I pulled my pocket watch out as I grabbed a hold of his arm and turned him back around. "What do...?" his question dropped off as he laid eyes on my silver watch.

"The colonel please," I said.

"Y-you're..." he stammered.

"The Frost Alchemist, pleasure to meet you," I replied with a smile. He let out a little yelp and then saluted me.

"Forgive my ignorant behavior! I didn't realize you were the Frost Alchemist! You weren't supposed to be here another two hours!" he shouted and as he did every other military official stopped and stared.

"You're forgiven, though because I didn't tell you who I was you had no idea which means there really is nothing to forgive, however I do suggest treating people with more respect whether they be lower than you or higher up or a mere civilian," I replied.

"Yes ma'am!" he said.

"Levy!" I heard someone yell and I turned to see Vato. Vato Falman! How did I not make that connection? Vato was up north with us until about two years ago. I had no idea he transferred here.

"Vato, I didn't know it was you I was meeting," I replied before hugging him.

"Would have picked you up myself, but I've been busy. I now see why Mustang had so many people working under him," he commented.

"I forgot that you worked under the Fuhrer," I replied.

"And still one of his biggest supporters, come Levy we have things to talk about," he said and then we walked up to his office. I closed the door behind us.

"So what's going on? Why do I need to be here? Certainly you can handle Creta without me," I said.

"I didn't ask you here to help with that," he replied as he sat down in his chair.

"Then what for?" I asked as I sat down across from him.

"Have you ever heard about the Scar panic?" he asked.

"An Ishvalan named Scar hunted down State Alchemists and killed them, he later gave that up and now works with Miles in Ishval," I replied.

"Good, I'm glad you know about that," he said.

"Why? Is he doing it again?" I asked.

"Him? No. Someone else, yes. However they're not going after State Alchemists, well not only them, they're attack high ranking officers," he replied. Sounds familiar, I thought. First the person in Central who went after military personal no someone in West City going after officers. What's going on?

"Which is bad because you have to keep putting inexperienced people into high level positions, it'll ruin the order over here and Creta could take advantage and attack us," I said.

"Yes, do you think you could help?" he asked.

"I'll certainly try, but I make no promises Vato. And don't forget the only reason Scar stopped is because Fullmetal and others were able to convince him," I said.

"I know," he replied.

"Okay as long as you do," I said as I stood up.

"Oh and Major Lit is being assigned as your protection. Both Mustang and Lieutenant General Armstrong would have my head if I let you get killed on my watch here," he said.

"Don't worry, I'm from Briggs it takes a hell of a lot to take us down," I replied and then I left.

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