Chapter 27: Repairs

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Three hours of waiting at the station and then nearly four days on a train and then a ride to the wall. Upon arriving I was yelled at extensively by every Elric, May had apparently arrived two days ago.

"Will you all stop yelling at me?!" I shouted over them quieting all of them. "I did what I thought was best and what was best if some of the best alchemists in our country weren't taken by them. Or the best automail engineer wasn't killed by them. I wasn't hurt, my automail was taken and I figured out what was happening so it was worth it. Got it?"

"Yeah okay," Maes muttered.

"Good," I said with a sigh. "Now it's nice to see you all again." Smiles broke out and I got hugs from them, Olivier patted me on the shoulder. Unlike her brother, she hated public displays of affections.

"Before you all decide to interrogate her, let's get her automail back on so she can walk properly," Sara said and I agreed, so I was helped into the infirmary and laid down on of the beds while Winry and Sara attached my limbs. "Okay Mom, three... two..." Everything connected at once and my body tensed in pain.

"I hate when you guys do that," I muttered before taking a deep breath waiting for the pain to subside, but it was so nice to have my limbs back.

"Get over it, it's what you get for losing your limbs in the first place," Winry said.

"You act like I broke them like your husband did oh so many times. They were taken from me," I reminded and she shrugged. I moved to sit up and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

"Okay, move your fingers," Winry instructed and I clenched my hands into fists. "Okay, now your leg." I lifted my leg up, moved my foot and put my leg back down. It felt amazing to have all my limbs back to normal. "And now submit to questions."

I took a deep breath and braced myself before I went through everything that happened since I left Izumi and the others.

"So you just woke up in Amestris? You have no idea what happened after Selim turned on you?" Alphonse asked and I shook my head.

"Everything's... fuzzy or just gone, I don't know what happened and quite frankly I hate it," I replied.

"I can imagine why being in that situation and then being somewhere totally different," May said.

"Well, it doesn't take a genius to know that Father must be trying to recreate the circle in Amestris. It'll give him the power he needs like what he did with Xerxes, it's better than starting over somewhere else," Al said bringing us back to the topic at hand. He was probably right, it took so long to make the circle that covered the entire country, and there was even large countries than ours. Besides the shape of Amestris in general was ideal. If Father wanted his power back he needed to pick up where he left off. Which wasn't good for us. Ed was standing in the corner, not saying anything. I couldn't imagine what he was thinking.

"Our first step is stopping any progress he's made. He's not even in Amestris yet so he probably hasn't made much progress in reversing the damage you guys did to the circle," I commented.

"How'd you know about the tunnels?" Al asked.

"Read the files Olivier had," I replied.

"Olivier, you have to lock that stuff up better," Al said.

"She's a smart girl, would have gotten her hands on them even if I had hidden them," she replied nonchalantly. "Anyway back to the tunnels no one has access to them. They have all been sealed off a long time ago."

"Well, obviously they found a way in. I bet those alchemists don't even know what they're doing since you lot locked up any and all information of that incident," I said. "We have to get them out before we even think about going after Father and Pride."

"And we will. Levy, you should get to your room and get some rest," Olivier said as people began to leave. I noticed someone standing in the hallway.

"When did he get here?" I asked.

"Your father? He arrived before we did, he pulled some strings and got assigned up here," Ed explained.

"When you leave, can you get rid of him before I go out?" I asked.

"Levy, it took a long time to forgive my father. He left us and my mom died. I know you went through the same, but you lost your younger sibling. You couldn't save her, not like I saved Al. I'm still mad at my dad, part of me will always be. But he died before I really had a chance to forgive him. Don't make the mistake I did," Ed explained before going to the door.

"Ed, we'll get them this time. I know we will," I said and he nodded before leaving. My father entered the room before I had the chance to leave.

"Frost?" he asked and I looked at him. "You've had a hell of a week."

I rolled my eyes. "Why'd you come up here? Olivier doesn't go easy on anyone."

"Yeah no kidding, the officers have been working to put me in shape. But I wanted to know the people who made you who you are," he said. "I wanted to see how you became the woman you are today."

"Well, this is how I was raised after I lost Mom and Nadia. Did you go see them?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I couldn't bring myself to."

"You should. I did my best with no money," I replied before pushing myself off the bed. I started walking towards the door but stopped when I got next to him. "If you see them. Then maybe we can talk."

"Without you yelling at me?" he asked teasing me, testing how far I was willing to bend.

I held back an eye roll and kept my tone even. "We'll see how it goes... and you can call me Levy, I hate that name Mustang gave me," I replied before walking out.

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