Chapter Two

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"Everyone turn to page 57 in your textbooks. We will be reviewing for our next test, which is 60% of your grade," Mr. Page droned on.

Everyone groaned.

I take out my textbook sluggishly, running my fingers through my hair.

Footsteps approach the door of the classroom: a student messenger, carrying some papers. Little did I know, one of those papers would change my life from that point on.

I look up from my textbook, but realize that it was just a regular messenger, who was always here passing out tardy slips to those who don't even bother coming to class. I continue looking over my textbook.

"Liliana Tanner?"

There goes that name.

I look up to Mr. Page. "Yes?" I answered.

"It seems you have been transferred to a different math class. Apparently, schedules were rearranged over winter break," he told me.

"What?! Great," I said in despair. I grab my belongings and walk up to Mr. Page's desk to retrieve my new schedule.

"Have fun in your new class," he said, again in that monotone voice. I swear sometimes he has no life in him. But honestly, same.

I walk out of the classroom and head to Room 315 : my new Algebra 2 class. Fortunately, I knew where it was because it was next to my old Biology class in freshman year. Or else I would have been doomed trying to find my way around this huge ass school.

"Here we are.." I muttered to myself. I stand in front of the open door and then walk in. Everybody in the class seemed to be focused on working on some sort of assignment. I walk up to my new teacher, Mr. Ortega, who is sitting at his desk with his eyes glued onto the screen of his computer.

"Hi. I was transferred here from Mr. Page's class," I said, handing my schedule to him and focusing his attention away from his computer.

"Ah yes, that's right. You are Liliana Tanner," he said, peering up at me through his thick-rimmed glasses and taking the paper.

"It's Lil-"

"Here you go. And you will be sitting over there next to Mr. Evans," he told me, handing me a worksheet and nodding his head towards my assigned seat.

"Evans..." I said in suspicion. Hold on. Where have I heard that name before? I thought to myself.

I turn around slowly and look at where Mr. Ortega is pointing. There he was. Derrick Evans. And next to him was an empty seat just for me. My body froze and my eyes widely-open. Gulp.

I spin around quickly, facing the teacher.

"Um. I don't think that's such a good idea, Mr. Ortega," I said in fear.

"What are you talking about? I assigned you that seat and you are sitting there no matter what I say," he said raising his voice at me.

"No. I'm good."

"Young lady. Go sit over there right now."

"No thank you."

"Miss. Tanner."

"Can't I just sit on the floor over here?" I asked pleadingly.

"That is unacceptable. Go sit over there this instant!"


"NOW," He yelled, making the whole class jump and look up at the teacher.

I slowly walk over to my seat, looking at the class, who has drawn their attention to me instead of their work. "Go back to work. Nothing to see here." I muttered to everyone nervously, my hands shaking.

I stiffly sit in my seat, trying to calm myself down on the inside.

I start to work on the worksheet, keeping my focus.

I decide to turn my head and peer at Derrick, who was peacefully writing with his earbuds in place, drumming his fingers to the rhythm.

He then paused for a moment, tapping his pen quietly on the desk before he continued writing, drumming his fingers once again. I watched his hand as he wrote. His fingers were long but strong looking, his fingernails pink and smooth, with half moons near the cuticles.

My eyes wandered up his arm, to his strong forearm disapearing into the sleeve of his football varsity jacket, pushed up to below his elbow to free his hands. I watched his hand as it moved up to rub some unknown irritant from his eye.

Suddenly, he looked up and I caught a flash of his hazel eyes framed by his tangled lashes before ducking my head and pretending to work on my paper.

I sigh. This is going to be a long year.

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