How does Harry Potter get down a hill?

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It was her turn to keep watch. She looked down at her clean golden kicks and blanked out at the dark sky. In the midst of complete silence, just above her head, the ground thudded and she froze. She reached for her gun and another thud appeared, she could almost see the creature above her. Whatever it was, it produced a spluttering sound and just like in the jump scares she'd watched in horror films, she saw the face of one of the men that tried to kill her peer down into the cave, his mouth twisted inhumanly into a sinister sneer.

"Found you!"

She jolted awake with a soft gasp, her eyes shot open as she scanned the environment she was in, her orbs darted to her kicks that were dirty as ever. It was a dream after all. Morning had settled in and her brain twisted and turned until it fully occurred to her it was really only a nightmare. Alas, a realistic one. Her heart that was sprinting a second ago calmed down to a mellow soft thumping although with reluctance.

"It felt so real." She proceed to sit up and Taeyeon noticed a number of things that morning. First of all, she has survived the second night. Second, she noticed, as if it was mere reflex that Tiffany wasn't in the cave with her. The third thing she later on realized was the duffel bag under her head and the jacket draped on top of her body that she was almost sure wasn't there when she had gone to sleep last night.

Her hands grabbed hold of the beige jacket and after giving it a lingering gaze brought it up to her face to smell the sweet sweet scent of warm strawberries. Her brain turned into mush and somehow it felt nice and soothing taking in a scent so painfully delicious.

I just like the smell, not her.

As if uttering it mentally wasn't enough to solidify her thought, she spoke it out loudly for herself to hear and to confirm it.

"Not her, but the smell." She folded it and placed it in her bag.

Then, she noticed the fourth thing. Her gun was missing. That led her to the fifth thing. Tiffany might've ditched her, taking her gun in the process. Frantically jumping to her feet, she rushed out of the cave and her heart skipped a few beats after not seeing Tiffany along the line of water. Maybe she might have been abducted by nocturnal creatures. Or even worse, she might've gotten out to get more wood for the fire and got lost. Scenarios flushed through her mind fueling to her worry.

She was about to call out when-

"Morning." Taeyeon clamped her mouth shut and twirled around to see Tiffany in her clothes. She suddenly remembered that she had offered them last night.

"Oh, morning." She wondered how embarrassing it would have been for her if she had called out Tiffany's name just now. Her eyes trailed down to the gun gripped in Tiffany's hand.

"You" She paused, "have my gun. Why?" She furrowed her eyebrows and waited for an explanation. She didn't want to throw the next question but figured out she wanted to know.

"You weren't here when I woke up, where were you? Don't go too far, it's dangerous, who knows if those people are still searching for us?" She sincerely hope she didn't come out as way too concerned. She just doesn't want Tiffany to get into trouble and drag her into more trouble.

"I was just scouting the area. I know it's dangerous that's why I brought this?" She held up the gun.

"You have your taser, but yeah just don't get lost and wish I would go find you." At her words, the Hwang's lips pulled down slightly into a frown but Taeyeon pretended she didn't see.

They stood before each other in silence when Tiffany held out her hand to grab hold of Taeyeon's.

"How's your hand feeling?" Taeyeon followed the trail of Tiffany's gaze and seem to only remember there was a cut on her palm and it was then that she began to feel pain blooming subtly from beneath her flesh. She stayed mum and fixated her eyes on the cloth tied around her.

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