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She tried ignoring the Hwang's presence, she really did.

However, behind her, she could almost feel the Hwang woman having much difficulty trudging through the rough surface of dirt. Of course why wouldn't she when she was in those slim high heels? An atom of her felt bad she had to walk with those heels. Meeting the girl in the woods actually filled her with relief, although she hates to admit that out loud. She's strongly opposing that thought which is crashing onto her shore.

Father would be so disappointed I am finding comfort in one of the Hwangs.

Was she aware of her surroundings? No, not at all.

Where was she walking too? To hell she knows.

All around her were tall trees, and her eyes stared into the night. Now that she was at a safer condition (she hoped) her mind started to generate and she realized how much of a danger they were in. The closeness of her to death was equivalent to a strand of hair. For one, they had no food, no water and no shelter. Secondly, who knows if those bastards were still roaming around? Third, who knows if any wild creatures decides to feast on them tonight? Those men were right, she wouldn't survive for long and that scared her.

A figure bumped into her and she didn't even notice she had stopped walking.

"Ow!" She stayed rooted, her pupils dilating, her heart thumping fast. She was afraid and intimidated by the power of the wilderness. As crazy as it sounds, she was scared of the chances of ghosts being in the forest as well. Before she knew it, she was trembling. It's those times when you try your best to hide it but your body won't listen. She can't let someone see she's a scaredy cat, especially not her enemy.

"Why are you stopping?" Taeyeon ignored the question and leaned to a nearby tree, and took deep breaths. She needed to calm down, she was very much hyperventilating now. Breathe in, exhale. She has a gun, she will survive.

"What are we going to do?" She didn't want to talk but she needed to ask. It came out as a shaky whisper though. She needed a way because her mind was as blank as paper. She lifted her eyes up to connect with the other girl and she couldn't careless if the Hwang can detect fear in her orbs. She no longer know how to hide it and boring into the eyes of the Hwang, she came to the realization that she wasn't doing any better than her. The girl before her had a tear streaked face with dirty cheeks. How had she not notice or hear the girl crying?

"Why are you asking me?" The Hwang brought her head down and her hands were quick to wipe at her cheeks. Too late.

"I..." Taeyeon's eyes trailed down to the ground. Her heart beat slowed down to a considerable pace and she was able to collect her words and escape from her panic state. Talking to someone kind of alleviated the fear she felt. Regardless of who it was.

She saw red blotches on the girl's feet and sorry filled her. How many times had she fell or trip while walking on those Mt. Everest heels?

Nevertheless, she somehow couldn't help but think her father would kill her for taking pity over a Hwang.

"We need to find a place for tonight." She said, her voice with finality. They need to find a place quick. One, she didn't want to be devoured by animals, second, as absurd as it sounds, she didn't want a particular 'someone' to walk for long. But of course, she will never admit her second reason.

She continued to walk and but to only turn back around when she sense the girl fell down to the ground, one of her hands holding onto her ankle. Not thinking the consequences of her action thoroughly, she bent down to help her get up but to only get slapped on her arm.

"I don't need-" She groaned and her face scrunched in agony. "Help from a Kim, Kim Taeyang."

Taeyeon's ears turned red in anger as she retreated her arms and stood straight. Does she have to be a bitch all the time?

"It's Tae-yeon. Are you stupid or something? How many times do I have to correct you, Hwang Miyoung? If you can't walk right, at least learn how to speak right." She hissed and watched as the girl before her struggled to stand. Taeyeon could tell she was feeling tremendous pain from her facial expressions and the lack of response to her slightly offensive reply. She clenched her jaws and unclenched.

"Can you walk or not?" She stressed on every words, each one spiking with malice.

No reply.

"You're-" She stopped dead in her sentence when sobs emitted from the slouched figure in front of her. The Hwang was crying openly in front of her. What?


"Are you seriously crying right now?" She questioned, exasperated. Was it because of something she said or was she hurt? Maybe both? She heaved loudly and pulled her bangs up in frustration. Her sobs became more evident and Taeyeon reluctantly crouched down to her level. She inspected the weeping girl's face, she was hugging her pink purse tightly against her chest, her eyes were squeezed shut as her tears escaped her eyes and dripped from the tip of her long eyelashes. Taeyeon frowned. She was an ugly crier.

"Stop crying." She hesitantly poked her. What was she supposed to do at a situation like this? She never consoled a weeping person before. Maybe if she commanded her to stop crying, the crying girl would, for no one had ever not follow her command before. Well until now, at least.

"Hey stop." She said out again, wishing she would stop. Of course, that's impossible.

"Yah, sorry I take that back, I didn't mean to say you are stupid. You can call me Taeyang or Taeyong or whatever for all I care just stop crying my gosh." She just had the urge to look behind her back and scout the area, afraid the girl's horrendous wails will lure wolves right to them. Her mind was in a rushed frenzy, people hug people to soothe them right?

She opened her arms and pulled the girl into against her chest, her skin burning at the contact. It felt strange and highly uncomfortable for Taeyeon. She couldn't believe what she did anyways. It was awkward as she tightened her hold around the Hwang and waited for her to stop crying. Why is it not working? Maybe she should stroke her hair? Yes, maybe she should. She brought her hands up about to touch her head when she was pushed away, sharp nails clawing into her soft skin.

"Get your hands off of me!"

"Then stop fucking crying!" She half yelled, kind of hurt that this was what she was getting after being so nice. Note to self: never be soft no matter what. A bitch will always be a bitch.

"I'm going to find a place to stay and if you want to stay here and fucking cry then be it!" She marched off, her shoes thumping against the hard ground. She took ten steps away to only stop and look back at the unmoving girl. She was raging but she made her way back. She could hate the girl to the bones but she can't just leave her here to die. Her father will even be more disappointed in her if that was the case.

"To me, you can't walk, you're ankles are swollen as huge as your pride. If I were you, I would drop my arrogant bitchy facade and allow people to help me." Her tone was clipped and monotonous. She's giving her so much trouble. And yet, Taeyeon is still willing to help. Where's the award for the most compassionate person of the year no wait century? Taeyeon is willing to step up and claim her trophy now,

She got no reply so she decided to test the waters and held out a hand. Much to her surprise, her help was accepted and she pulled the girl up and supported her. She eyed her face, which was abashed with pure shame and tears.

"Stop crying, you look ugly." She made a comment and the Hwang wiped her face and her pinkish nose immediately. Well, didn't know that would work.

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