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"Are there any other places that you wish to go Ms. Hwang?" The middle aged driver looked at the rear-view mirror to catch a glimpse of the young lady sitting at the back seat.

"Well, nowhere that I have in mind, let's just go where we usually go then we can go home." The woman replied without lifting her head up from her phone. She then paused her action, noticing something. Clicking her tongue, she placed her phone onto her lap in exasperation as she looked at her driver.

"Plus, I said don't call me that. Call me Tiffany." It came out almost like a whine. She used to like it a few months ago, she had always been addressed as Ms. Hwang since she was very young, but now, after the incident, she felt like she liked Tiffany more.

"I'm sincerely not used to that, Ms. Hwang." The driver gave out the same reply he'd said for the hundredth time and Tiffany sighed, however saying nothing more about the matter.

She gazed out the dark-tinted car window, watching the pedestrians walk by the grey pavement. Everyone wore thick scarves, covering up half of there faces, allowing only their noses to appear. They drove past shops decorated by ribbons and green paper cut into the shape of a Christmas tree. It was just around the end of November, she didn't understand why people were so ready for Christmas.

"Are you cold? Should I crank the heater up higher?"

"No, I'm fine." She replied, as she laid her back onto the black leather. An old fashioned tune, sounding like it was from the 90s was playing on the radio. Normally, she would've told her driver to change it but it was a pretty soothing melody.

Her lazy eyes gazed out the window, to a sign hanging from two trees, lit up by bright tiny lights.

The banner said SANTA IS COMING TO TOWN the words printed in bold red letters.

"To town? Seriously?" She muttered to herself. Everyone sure was hyped up for Christmas. It's too early for these decorations. Christmas, talking about it, miracles were supposed to happen during this time of the year right?

Miracles, yea right. Good things were supposed to happen. I wonder if anything good will happen to me.

It's been two months since the bad event that scarred her life. Since then, she never touched her Cadillac again. Well, she wasn't allowed to. She couldn't really blame her parents though, for putting out this rule of letting her be driven around at all times. If she was in their shoes, she'd be doing the same thing. It was pretty stressful though.

The car turned around a corner and pulled to a stop in front of a luxurious house. It's a place she'd come almost thrice a week, to just do nothing but stare from the window of her car for five minutes before heading home.

Her eyes went over the lamps that lit the house's enormous front garden.
She always ordered her driver to bring her to the Kim's house, and he never really questioned why. He probably was able to puzzle the pieces together, if he was smart.

He came here very often for last two months, however never had the courage to step down and pass the gates. She didn't know if the Kim's would welcome her nor whether her parents would like it. So she would just take a far shot, stopping in front of their tall scary gates hoping Taeyeon would appear magically. So far, luck wasn't on her side.

She didn't know whether she should be mad, or neutral about the fact that Taeyeon never tried to reach out for her, but then, she never really did as well besides coming here like a stalker.

How was Taeyeon, she really wanted to know. She wanted to see Taeyeon, see her in one piece, and, as crazy as it sounds, she missed being near Taeyeon, hearing her tease.

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