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Torhild looked over her shoulder towards her mother who was in a deep conversation with some earl to notice her daughter sneeking out. Even Björn wouldn't notice, he was to busy with some girl. Seeing that did her remind that she didn't saw Torvi during the feast. She slipped out of the great hall and stared up to dark sky. She didn't fully realized how happy she was to be back home, in the village she knew from when she was a child. She didn't actually grew up here but she was here a lot of time with Björn. Torhild walked over to the little beach were she found Ivar staring at the waves. Torhild just standed there for a moment, letting the soft wind through her hair while she looked at Ivar. It was his spot, he came always to this place when he was troubled about something. Torhild pushed her shoes out, lifted her dress a little and let her feet sink in the cold sand. He didn't heared her coming so she had all the time to observe him. His hair had grown so much, his body more muscular, his legs still bound together. 'Ivar.' She greeted him with a soft voice, he flexed his muscles out of reaction but didn't turned his head towards her. She felt guilt, for not speaking to him directly, for dancing with Hvitserk before talking to him. 'Can I sit?' She asked carefully standing besides him. He didn't say a thing, just kept staring to the waves. Torhild sighed and sat down beside him, wrapping her arms around her knees. She stared in silence to the waves, giving her mind some rest from the evening she had. 'I'm sorry to hear from your mother.' She finally said.
'Are you?' He asked. Torhild moved her head and looked at him, his eyes hard and distant. She knew him as angry but he was different now.
'I didn't know.'
'No, how could you, you were away for two years.' He replied.
'Hvitserk is glad to have you back.' He interrupted her. He maked her angry, it was his best defense, being angry all the time. She didn't said anything and just stared to the sea. She thought he was glad to see her again, he smiled or at least grinned a little earlier. If he didn't wanted to talk, then there was no use in trying it. 'Does your mother know you are here?' He asked, rather sarcastic. She looked to him, angry, frustrated because he shut himself of every time again.
'No, she thinks your dangerous, not to be trusted.' Torhild spilled. Ivar looked at her, his blue eyes piercing through hers.
'She right, go Torhild.' He wanted to leave, she grabbed his arm.
'Ivar please, talk.'
'Now I have to talk?' He asked angry, turning back at her. 'You were away for two years, I had enough to talk about in those two years but you weren't there then. Go back to Hvitserk, he loves to talk.' Ivar spotted before he crawled away.
'Why are you so angry with me Ivar?' She almost yelled, he froze for a moment. 'Is it because I went away two years or because of my mother killing yours?' She guessed. 'What happend to Sigurd?'
'Nothing Torhild.' He hissed at her.
'You killed him? Are you angry becaude of that?' But he didn't answered, he just crawled away. Torhild didn't stopped him this time, she just let him leave. 'Good talking Ivar.' She said to herself before standing up and walking to the great hall again. She forgot her shoes but it didn't mattered, she was tired and needed some sleep.

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