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Torhild turned the knife around, the blade reflexted the sunlight on the wall from the room. She looked at the reflextion, drowning in her own thoughts and heartpain. She didn't knew how she had to go on. Tonight she had to put up her happy face in front of her brother, the king and everybody who would attend the feast. Her eyes traveled out, servants walked in and out to prepare the feast and they didn't even knew that it was a trap. 'Torhild.' She turned her head and looked to Hvitserk who laid in the bed. Her eyes traveled down his bare chest before she looked back outside to the servants. She wasn't playing him and he wasn't pushing her, but Hvitserk was the only thing that pulled her thoughts away from Ivar. And he knew her heartbreak so he just stayed and nothing more. 'How big will it be?'
'Big.' She answered. Hvitserk turned on his stomach and Torhild looked back to him.
'You should smile a little more tonight.' He suggested. Torhild forced a smile on her lips and walked back to the bed.
'No. Your brother will notice.'
'He will be to busy leading the attact to notice the sadness from his sister.' She protested softly. Hvitserk rolled his eyes and both of them looked to the door that opened. Ubbe walked in, gave a promesing look before king Aethelwulf followed. His eyes widened when he saw Hvitserk lying on the bed.
'Is it usual for you vikings to,' he pointed to Hvitserk and Ubbe. Torhild forced a smile on her lips and stood up, walking over to Ubbe and wrapping her arm around his.
'Pretty usual.' Ubbe grinned. The king looked in a moment to Hvitserk who pulled some clothes on before he turned to Torhild.
'My servants are ready to make you ready.'
'How big will this feast be if it needs a whole day to prepare me?' She asked a little curious.
'Not that big, you and Ubbe are invited for dinner with my and my family, so,' He smiled before walking out. Ubbe closed the door and turned to Torhild.
'I'm feeling already christian.'
'One day, I want to go home to.' She reassured him. They turned to Hvitserk who jumped on the bed to walk over. Torhild rolled her eyes and gave the biggest brother a fast look before she walked out.

She stood by the gate, waiting for Ase who traveled up and down between the settlement and the castle when she saw a white horse stopping aside her. She didn't want to look up, but she did. She followed the horse collar to his chariot. When she met those blue eyes she hoped that something would change but they still holded that darkness, that cold distant look. 'Ivar.' She greeted him neutral, looking back to the road as soon as she could. He didn't react, he clicked his tongue and his horse walked away. Torhild looked to him and nodded for herself, looking to Ase who approached her. She looked confuse and pointed over her shoulder to Ivar. 'Don't ask.' Torhild said. Ase frowned her eyebrows and jumped from the horse.
'Everything is in place for the attack. As soon as the feast starts your mother and Halfdan will take over the gates. All the important people are with you he shouldn't notice a thing. You neither, one moment you talk, the other your mother comes in.'
'Good, I want this over.' Torhild nodded.
'You alright?' Ase asked while walking aside Torhild.
'No, I will explain when this is over.' She whispered looking up to Ubbe.
'You need to step up your game Torhild, the king doesn't liked your silence during the dinner.' Ubbe said as soon as she was within distant.
'What is going on? If there is something that the army needs to know?' Ase instisted. Torhild looked to Ubbe and Ubbe looked back at her.
'Ivar and Torhild have problems.' Ubbe spitted out. Torhild walked in front of them so she hadn't have to look to the looks they were changing.
'How bad?' Ase asked.
'I don't want to talk about it Ase.' Torhild hissed. Ase opened her mouth but closed it after a quick look from Ubbe. 'We need to prepare for a feast and a battle.' Torhild helped them remember.
'Yes boss.' Ase whispered. Torhild walked in the castle and slipped away after a corner. She slipped down against the wall until she said on the ground. She layed her hand for her mouth and tried to push back her tears. Why didn't it just stop, why couldn't she just live on. And it wasn't Ivar his fault, yes, he pushed her away, yes, he didn't want to see her but the biggest and the largest monster in this was Lord Aethelwulf. She pulled in a deep breath and pushed herself up. She was going to kill the king, tonight.

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