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'Seize him.' King Aethelwulf pointed towards Ivar. The soldiers came in motion, Torhild pulled the only knife she had on her, that knife and blocked their way to Ivar.
'Don't.' She warned Aethlewulf. He smiled, walking around his table, getting closer every inch.
'Shortly after the joined attack to the kingdom I got a rapport. This cripple,' he pointed towards Ivar. 'was trying to kill Lord Edgar.' Aethlewulf announched. Torhild looked down to Ivar who looked with all his hatered to the king. 'You didn't knew?' Aethlewulf asked.
'How would I know, I was being stabbed by one of his men.' She hissed in a reply, her hand covering the spot on her stomach, like she was trying to defend it. Aethlewulf looked at it, overthinking it.
'Shame you got stabbed, glad to see you up again. I know that Lord Edgar didn't played by the rules, he is a childhood friend and I thoughts he wouldn't cause trouble under my rule. I misjugded him, for that I will pull him back from the settlement and replace him with,' he turned around, pointing to the table. Torhild hadn't even noticed the young man, Ubbe his age she guessed, sitting after the table. He was handsome, she admitted that, dark, almost black hair, green sharp eyes. He had some expressions from .... 'This is Edward, Lord Edgar his son, he will take command over  the settlement while I speak to Edgar.' Aethelwulf introduced Edward to the brothers and Torhild and the other way around. So he didn't knew about Lord Edgar his dead? He was just referring to the things Lord Edgar had done? Changed a lot.
'Ivar was protecting me.'
'That Boneless is a danger to uss all, he will be punished.' Aethlewulf smiled darkly. She knew he always had a grudge on Ivar, this was the perfect way to get his way for a change. 'Unless you want to be punished to?' Aethlewulf tilted his head, obsessive smiling to the both of them.
'Torhild.' Björn warned her. She looked down to Ivar who shook his head. He was beyond anger but he kept her safty in the first place.
'What is his punishment?' She asked, looking up again, already scared for the answer. The king didn't looked to her, he looked to Ivar, almost cheerfull.
'Fifteen lashed from the wip.' He announched. Torhild frooze, fear sprung in her eyes when she looked down to Ivar again. 'Take him.' Aethelwulf ordered his men.
'I will take his place.' Ubbe volenteert. Torhild crouched down before Ivar, swallowing her tears.
'You don't have to do this alone.' She whispered. He smiled, softly almost.
'You suffered already enough. Get the plan in motion, be safe, don't be all reckless because of me.'
'You would do the same.' She murmured. Two soldiers grabbed him with his arms forcing him up. Torhild looked how they took him away, legs dragging over the floor out of the room.
'Torhild.' Ubbe layed his hand on her shoulder and she remembered the plan. She layed her hand over his and he helped her up, pulling her in a soft embrace. She really wanted to cry and she really wanted this but she didn't let herself, not until the plan was set.
'I'm sorry Torhild, rules are rules. To what have I to thank this visit?' Aethlewulf asked while he sat comfortly on his seat again. Torhild turned away from Ubbe, she saw Edward looking at her like she was some kind of goddess.
'The settlement is a little devided. A big group of the Heathen army roots for Torhild while the other half does that for the sons of Ragnar. We want to reunite that,'
'by marriage.' Aethlewulf intterupted Björn. Björn nodded, looking aside to his sister and Ubbe. 'The two of them?' He asked.
 'I'm the oldest son from Ragnar, after Björn but he is already married and Torhild is the last princess, her throne is her right.' Ubbe explained, stroking his fingers over her arm, resting them softly around her elbow.
'And it there more to it? Is this love?' The king asked, explicitly looking to Torhild. She nodded, looking aside to Ubbe with a sort smile.
'It was a marriage arragement that stood since they were little. Now is the time, the settlement is a little out balance so I hope that you give our this blessing and we can marry the both of  them here on English soil.' Björn formulated it so polite and friendly as possible. King Aethlewulf clapped his hands, standing up from his seat again.
'Offcourse, we should hold a feast in honor of that marriage her at the castle. I'm truly looking forward to how a viking wedding works.' He reacted delighted. Torhild forced the best smile on her lips she could find.
'Thank you very much.' She bowed.
'Come, sit, eat a little.' He gestured to the table he sat after. Torhild nodded and walked with Ubbe and Björn over to the table. 'In preparing to that, I will punish Ivar tomorrow and we hold a feast next week. I talk it over with my men tonight. Until then you and your future husband can stay here at the castle. You to Björn Ironside, if you want.' He was so happy about it.
'I need to inform the settlement, a lot of people are looking forward to this.' Björn smiled.
'Offcourse, the invite is for your people to.' Aethlewulf nodded. 'What thinks Lord Edgar of this?' he asked curious. Torhild looked to her brother, surly he had a good answer.
'He isn't happy, thinks there is a plan behind this. So he doesn't want to come to this feast if tthere is any so he can guard the settlement.' Björn played open card. That he was telling a part of the truth didn't sink in with the king.
'Smart man your farther Edward. It is good to hear. We can speak of his behavior after the feast next week.' Aethlewulf agreed with his own. But the only thing Torhild really could think of was Ivar and the fact that he would be torture for a crime he didn't even fulfill ... not by the kings knowing at least.

She and Ubbe got one of the biggest rooms there were in the castle. And she thinking that the last one she stayed in was big. She closed the door and turned to Ubbe. 'I don't know Torhild.' He immidiatly reacted.
'We can't let Ivar have this.' She pointed out of the window, upset.
'He will survive this, it's Ivar.' Ubbe tried to comferted her. Torhild sat down on the bed trying to get some things in order. It was a good thing that the king didn't knew about Edgar, the bad thing was that Ivar had to pay the price for his recklessness. And like Ubbe said, er wasn't much she could do about it.
'We need to keep Lord Edgar his dead still a secret for a week.' She said after a while, turning her body on the bed to watch at Ubbe. He was staring uit the window, conflixed. 'And you say I can't worry.' She smiled softly. Ubbe turned his head and sighned.
'Ever hurt about the wrath of Ivar The Boneless;'
'No, you?'
'I think we gonna find out.' He answered. Torhild pulled the crown of her head and looked to the eldest brother while thinking how she would find Ivar after fifteen lashes.
'Do you think he would let me see him?' She asked. Ubbe pushed himself away from the window and fell down on the bed, he was surpriced by the softness of it. His eyebrows came up in disbelief.
'We should marry and live the rest of our lives here.' He suggested. Torhild slapped him against the shoulder and stood up.
'I'm gonna see if I can see Ivar.'
'Good luck.' He murmered, half away to his dreams.
'You're not coming?' Torhild asked in the doorway.
'Not that I can say something to Ivar that would help him.'
'He is your brother Ubbe.'
'There you say it.' He chuckled. Torhild shook her head and walked out of the room. There was a guard, offcourse, he followed her. When she came downstairs she walked against Edward.
'Oh, I'm sorry princess.' He reacted hastly, almost shy. Torhild frowned her eyebrown and smiled to the young man.
'My fault.' She appolagized.
'The King is bussy, where you looking for him?' He asked before she could walk away. Torhild turned around, narrowing her eyes, showing a loving smile on her lips. He looked like the type she could charm or impress.
'I want to see Ivar?' She asked, biting her lip in a moment. His eyes sucked right to it and Torhild had to do her best to not roll her eyes.
'You can't see him, sorry.'
'I can see him. You're gonna beat him tomorrow, I have my rights.' She insisted. She saw  the hessistation in his eyes and just when she thought he would give in his face turned serious again.
'Sorry Torhild. Can't.' He repeated himself. 'Bring her back to her room.' He commanded the soldier who had followed her. Torhild faked a smile and bowed before she walked back to her room. Ubbe pushed his head up, she only shook her head. Torhild stood still before the mirror and started to pull of her jewerly.
'Torhild, to be safe, I'm here to.'
'You never saw a girl in a underdress Ubbe?' She joked.
'I have a wife.'
'Don't you find it bad that she isn't here?' Torhild asked. Ubbe stood up, stading after her. Torhild looked at him with a small grin when he helped her with her dress.
'Not really, this plan would never work otherwise.' He said. She felt his fingers a short part over her skin and she thought of Ivar.
'Thank you husband.'
'Ivar would kill me.' He laughed. Yes, Ivar would kill him if he saw what Ubbe did. Despite the fact he just helped her, he also touched her, would sleep in the same room and if it's one thing that Ivar always maked clear ... she was his.

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