Thank You

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In all of this I need to thank the persons who read every chapter, the ones who voted, comment and even send me some messages. You have really no idea what it means to me to have such a way of admiring. I'm not a perfect writer and this was my first time in English so .... I glad I did good. Because of you all I write, I'm motivated and I'm always thinking of good ways to make it better. You are all so amazing for me. My heart breaks a little, knowing this part of the story will be over. Special thanks to @JustSimplyMe93 for being supportive every chapter again and again. For helping with the dilemma's I had along the way. And offcourse @sereniti28 for bringing me the solution to my problem. Didn't want to end this story and you gave me enough to start the second part of it. So people, it's thanks to her that you get a whole sequel on this story. Both of you did so much for me and I'm so damn thankfull for the both of your support. I should tag a lot of people, I want to thank everybody!! Alround amazing and my forever thanks for everybody who read this story and supported me in it. I love you all. <3

Here it is; The Cripple of The Shieldmaiden II

And for who wants to read their past; Torhild and young Ivar

Enjoy and hope to see you back in the following stories.
Lot's of love,

The cripple and the shieldmaidenWhere stories live. Discover now