Is There A Cure For Depression ?

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January 3rd ,

" i start to think if there isn't really no cure for depression , that happiness is an ongoing battle , and i wonder if it isn't one i'll have to fight for as long as i live . and i wonder if its worth fighting for . " -Unknown

depression . depression is a senstive subject, many people have different meanings for depression . depression is mainly about ongoing sadness for all your life. but you have to learn to live with it a certain way . you cant just deal with it without getting help . you have to get help . but if you feel that the medicine wont work , i promise they will try to help you figure out whats going on inside your mind . atleast thats what they did to me . im on the right medicines and yes i sometimes still get depressed but i dont get to the point that i want to kill myself . depression is an ongoing battle all your life . even if you have medicine its still there in your head . just not as bad. there is no real cure for depression if you think about it .

Goals ; try atleast to tell your parents or another guardian . medicine will help you . some . but it will ease the pain . it wont make you want to kill yourself . and if it does , tell someone IMMEDIANTLY!! and thats means go tell your parents that you are to the point that you want to kill yourself and that you think its the medicine . please try to atleast help yourself , cause im writing this to help you , i want you to live a longer , happier life .

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