yaten and enemy

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Don't own sailor moon, videos and pictures

Y/n (pov)

"Well let's go" Darien said and Serena hug his arm an they were walking away , I was behind them.

I wish I could have someone to love me,but guess I was meant to be alone and I can't think straight because of all the yelling.

yaten (pov) :

"Move it i want to get out of here!!!!" I said with anger why will princess choose this planet is so annoying. We can't keep missing around we have a mission to accomplish, find our princess and leave this planet before she comes and destroys the earth.
When I was walking to the exit I pass by a couple and a girl behind them with a big stuffed bunny, she looks cute with it " what I'm I talking about this im not here to fall in love. But she had long black hair with purple in the split ends of her hair and tattoo flowers on her right chick , bows both sides of her head and her short white dress.

She looks back and sees me looking at her I turned back away

"That was close I can't believe I was steering at her , I- I think I have a problem" I said to myself walking to the car


Y/n ( pov ) :

I feel like I was being watched so I look back and see a boy with silver hair, green eyes and look like he was a important person, i turned back an look forward my face was all red.

" y/n are you okay your face is all red" Darien said

" y-y-yeah im alright don't worry." I said really fast 0///////0

"Okay I this it you guys, please take care of each other and Serena I will come and make that promise" Darien said with a serious face

"Ok I will miss you" serena said with a smile

"Bye Darien" we said at the same time to darien
Well it looks that is time for us to leave and meet the girls at the cafe.

"Let's go usagi-chan, we have to meet the girls at the cafe and maybe we can get some sweet cake" I said happily

"Yeah let's go" serena said running to the exit

Darien ( pov )

When I seat on my place I was thinking about y/n she was all red it seems that she may have someone to love im happy, she is like a sister to me, she deserves to have someone.
I took out a picture of me and serena with chibi-usa

" usako" I said in low voice suddenly a yellow light came directly to the plane and everyone scream

"Ahhhhhh" people scream

Y/n ( pov ) :

Me and serena are thinking about something, well I don't know about serena but I'm thinking about that boy i met in the airport. He was so hot and his green eyes were so pretty they shine like a dimond , WHAT IM I SAYING I JUST MET HIM,WELL NOT BUT SEEING HIM WHAT IM EVEN SAYING.I SHOUL PROBABLY STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!! soon my thoughts were interrupted by rei.

"Hey y/n y/n are you even listening to us.!? " rei said looking at you and everyone too was looking at you

"Omg was I spacing out that long" im probably all red now.

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