galaxia pov

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okay guys i will be doing sailor galaxia as a male version of himself that's is all i wanted to change in the story. and is this is going to be a short story but don't worry i will have more updates by the week. 

 galaxia P.O.V. - 

"aluminum you have failed me one's again, i won't have any of this!" i said and she looked so frighten by mt voice and she started to beg for another chance. 

"it's not my fault that they were so many sailors and besides there this girl who was a sailor but she was more stronger then being a sailor. she had this great power and with her sister we can get stronger you have to believe me on this master galaxia." she said and she pull something out of her pocket and throw it at me an i had catch it in mid air, and i could swear that my breath was taking away from me she was the most beautiful girl in the entire galaxia. 

" who is she?" i said and she looked confused and i stood up and went to her close. 

" WHO IS SHE!? what is her name and what connection does she have with the sailor's?" i asked her and sailor crow back away a little bit of my voice. 

" she's y/n tsukino she is sailor moon's sister and the queen of the future galaxia. i think she is with someone else now because she looks like she is pregnant and plus i heard them talk about it on the plain" she said and i started to hear bells and a laugh. 

" so you are saying that you only heard there gossip and got no star seed at all, it seems to me that it was all a lie about them having a good star seed" sailor tin said with a grin and aluminum turn to face her with anger. 

"what, excuse me?! i did saw it with my own eyes,even sailor iron mouse sat it too but she was killed before she could tell master galaxia" she said and i went back to my seat and looked at them board. 

' i can't believe that girl had a man now and she will be having his baby. never mind that i will have something for her, she will be my queen and will be under my spell' i said and smirked but then went to a bad mood because of them arguing.

" don't bother" i said and i raise my hand that had a golden bracelet with a green gem, aluminum looked back and started to cry and beck me to let her have another chance.

"master galaxia, please don't i did find the star seed. i will do anything but please don't take this away from me" she said and her hands were stuck together and she cried and sailor crow try to move away her hands but it didn't work. 

"please, please give her a chance master galaxia" sailor crow said and i didn't listen to her and i had my hands closed, she disappear without a trace and crow fall down and cried while tin laughed.

"know listen to me you both will be working with each other for now and i have a new mission,maybe it will be hard since she is surrounded by senshi i want you to bring her to me and if i find any scratch on her when you bring her i will kill one of you. is that clear" i said and they both bow and had said yes master. 

"know you both may leave now" i said and they have left my chamber ,i clap my hands together and i hologram with the picture of y/n is at and i looked at her with dreamy eyes. 

" soon i will have you my sweet y/n" i said and laugh

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" soon i will have you my sweet y/n" i said and laugh. 

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