Chapter 4: Time Flies

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Five years passed, and Dylan and I are still as happy as can be. We have two beautiful children-a five year old son named Derek and a two year old daughter named Sofia. Dylan and I love them so much and we are so happy we had the chance to extend our family. Dylan even insisted we got a dog, so we did. We have a white Pomeranian named ChiChi.

Whenever I had to go to work, and Dylan had a day off, he always played princess and tea party with Sofia which was extremely adorable.

It was Friday, so I had to go to work, but Dylan had a day off. It was 5:45 am, so I was the only one awake. Before I left, I went into our room and whispered to Dylan, "Love you, sweetie. Have a great day with Sofia." I then kissed his cheek and a small smile creeped onto his face. When I pulled away from the kiss, he sat up, and crashed his lips into mine. I sat down on the bed and deepened the kiss. I then quickly glanced at the clock, and I was late. I pulled away and said, "As much as I want to continue, I have to leave."

Dylan made a sad face and said, "Okay, as long as you promise we continue this later," he held out his pinky.

I giggled and said, "I promise," and interlocked my pinky with his. Then I released and said, "Love you, Dyl."

"I love you more, Nicole." I giggled and quietly left.

Dylan's POV

After Nicole left, I decided to get up, I couldn't go back to sleep.

I took a quick shower and put on a sweatshirt and jeans.

Derek had to go to pre-schook at 8:00, and it was 6:45, so I decided to make breakfast for him. I made waffles and by the time I was finished, it was time to wake him and Sofia up.

I quietly opened the door to Derek's room and walked over to where he was laying in his bed. I gently shook his shoulder and said, "Derek, time to wake up."

He quietly moaned and yawned. He sat up and he had messy bed hair and it was cute.

"Good morning, Daddy," he said and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning, Derek."

He got out of bed and said, "Do you think we can go to the baseball park when I come home from school?" Derek asked with a huge smile in his face. I guess he developed the love for baseball from me, and I was happy about it.

"Of course!" I said and ruffled his hair.

I walked out oh his bedroom and intoSofia's which was next door. I leaned over the safety bar to her bed and, once again, I gently shook her shoulder and said, "Princess Sofia, time to wake up."

Her eyes bolted open and wrapped her arms around me. "Whats wrong?" I asked noticing how scared she looked.

"I had a bad dream..." She said and wiped away a tear.

I pulled her into an embrace and lifted her over the safety bar and said, "Don't worry, Daddy's here, everything is okay," I combed my fingers through her hair and told her everything was okay.

I then heard Derek walking and I saw him in the doorway in his onsie and his comfort blanket. "Daddy? Is Sofia okay?" He asked. Derek cared so much about Sofia and if anything was wrong, he always comforted her; he was the best big brother ever.

"Yeah, she just had a bad dream," I said. "Come here, little monkey," I said and gestured him to come over to where I was standing with Sofia.

Sofia lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "Derek!" She always got excited when she saw him in the morning.

I put her down, and gave Derek a hug. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of them. I sent it to Nicole and said:
They are doing their daily morning hug. Have a great day at work. Xox

I felt my phone buzz and Nicole texted back and said:
They are adorable, have a great day Dyl. 😘

I then pulled up my Twitter page and posted the picture of them.

I then put my phone back in my pocket and knelt down next to them. I opened my arms and they ran into me and I gave them both a huge hug. I then kissed the tops of their heads and said, "Ready for breakfast?" I pulled away and Derek yelled, "I'M ALWAYS READY!" That made me laugh and he ran downstairs.

Then I stood up and Sofia said, "Up!"

I lifted her up and put her on my shoulders. He arms were wrapped around my head and we went into the kitchen. I put her down on a kitchen chair and gave her a plate of waffles. I saw her licking her lips and I couldn't help but laugh, she was adorable. I looked over at Derek and he was already halfway finished with his breakfast.

I sat down and joined them. 

Once we all finished our breakfast, Derek got ready for school and I helped Sofia get dressed.

"What would you like to wear today Sofia?" I asked.

"Princess!" She exclaimed.

"The princess dress?" I asked and pointed to a pink poofy dress.

She nodded and I took it off the hanger. I helped her change into it and Iput her hair into two small pigtails. "Would you like your tiara?" I asked even though I knew she would say yes.

"Yes!" She said and I gently placed it on her head. She then twirled and said, "Look Daddy! I'm a princess!"

"Yes you are! Let's go see Derek, okay?"

She nodded and ran out if her room, I then heard a loud thump and I ran out of Sofia's room and looked down the stairs. I saw Sofia crying at the bottom and I ran down the stairs. I sat down next to her and quickly pulled her into my lap. "Sweetie, what happened?" I asked soothingly.

She was crying hysterically and said in-between tears, "I wanted...t-to see...Derek and-and I...fell!"

I pulled her closer to my body and said, "Shhhh... It's okay, you're okay. Would you like an ice pack?"

She nodded and her tiny pigtails moved up and down.

"Okay, shhhh... It's okay..." I said and continued to comfort her as her crying started to slow down.

I opened up the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. "Where does it hurt?" I asked.

She pointed to her head and I carefully put the ice pack where she pointed.

Then Derek ran down the stairs and said, "I'm ready for- what happened to Sofia?" His excitement for school quickly faded when he saw Sofia in my arms.

"Sofia fell down the stairs. But she's okay, right?" I asked her.

She nodded an said, "Mmhmm," and wiped away the last tear. She handed me the ice pack and I put it back in the freezer and said, "Ready to go?"

Derek put on his backpack and said, "I'm ready!" And he had a huge smile on his face.
"Alright, let's go!" I said and followed Derek and Sofia out the door. I locked up the house and walked to the car.

I lifted up Sofia and buckled her into her car seat and I helped Derek buckle up too.

Days without Nicole were hard, handling two bundles of joy all by myself, but I cherished every moment I spent with them.

Once I dropped off Derek, I turned around in my seat to face Sofia and I said, "I have to run some errands before we go home, but I promise once we get home, we can play together."

"Okay!" Sofia said in her cute little voice and turned her head so she was looking out the window. I turned back around and smiled to myself.

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