Chapter 8: Princess

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Dylan's POV

We pulled away from the hug and the doctor pulled Nicole and I aside.

She said, "We just ran a few tests, and Sofia has a very extreme case of leukemia so we are going to need to start chemotherapy as soon as possible. I just need your permission."

Nicole and I looked at each other; her beautiful hazel eyes looked heart broken and worried.

"I think it's for the best," I said and took a deep breath and tried to hold back my tears.

"Yeah, whenever you need to start the chemo, just let us know," Nicole said and I interlocked my fingers with hers.

"Alright, we will start it tomorrow," the doctor said and walked away.

I turned toward Nicole and said, "Sweetie, you should go home and take a shower then come back with Derek. I'll stay here and keep Sofia company."

"You sure? It's okay I'll stay and you-"

"It's okay," I said and squeezed her hand. "I'll stay." She nodded and pulled me into a hug. Before I pulled away, I whispered into her ear, "It's going to be okay, Sofia's strong and since the doctors discovered it early, she'll be okay," I pulled away and kissed her cheek. I saw a tear fall down her face and I wiped it away with my thumb.

She then said, "I'll be right back, Sofia. I'm going to go get Derek," and then she waved and walked out of the room.

I sat in a chair next to Sofia's bed and said,
"You're going to be getting a special treatment called chemotherapy."

"What's chameleon therapy?" Sofia asked confused.

I laughed a little and said, "It's chemotherapy, not chameleon therapy."

"Oh," Sofia said and giggled.

"It's a treatment where they will get rid of all the ouchies."

"Yay! No more ouchies!" Sofia said with a huge smile on her face.

"You look tired, would you like to take a nap?" I asked as she yawned.

Sofia nodded and asked, "Can you read me a bed time story?"

"Of course!" I said and tucked in her blankets. "Once upon a time..."


It has been four days with the chemotherapy and Sofia no longer had any hair. Either Nicole or I were always by her side.

Since Nicole had to go to work, I asked Jeff if I could have a day off and I explained my situation. He said yes, so I stayed in the hospital.

I slept there over night so Sofia would never be alone.

I woke up before Sofia was awake and she looked so peaceful. After a few minutes, Sofia's eyes slowly opened. I sat down on her bed and said, "Good morning, how'd you sleep?"

She looked so different without hair, but she was still beautiful.

"It was pretty good," she said. "How was yours?"

Truthfully, every night I had the worst time sleeping because every second I worried about Sofia. But, I didn't want her to know that, "It was perfect! I had an awesome dream, and you were in it, and you were a princess."

"I was?" She asked.

"Sofia, you will always be my princess," I took her tiara off her dresser and placed it on her head. My eyes started to tear up.

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