Chapter 7: Diagnosis

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I felt Dylan next to me, and I lifted my hands from my face. Dylan gently placed Sofia's legs on my lap, and he rested her head on his lap.

I slowly moved my hands up and down her leg and we continued to comfort her. Then she let out another ear-piercing scream.

More tears fell down Dylan's face and my face. We couldn't stand seeing Sofia in so much pain.

"W-where does it hurt?" I asked in-between tears.

"Everywhere!" She screamed and continued to cry.

I looked at Dylan and we made eye contact. His watery, golden brown eyes looked lifeless and broken. We were in pain seeing Sofia like this.

I then rested my head on his shoulder and wiped away some of my tears.

Then I heard someone unlocking the front door, it was Aunt Cassie. I lifted my head and gently put Sofia's legs on the ground as I stood up.

I went downstairs and I saw her closing the door. I ran into her arms when she turned around. I let everything out, my tears and emotions.

Aunt Cassie pulled away and put her hands on my shoulders and said, "Stay strong, Nicole. Bring her to the hospital, I'll look after Derek."

I nodded and went back to our room. I dialed 911 and within minutes, an ambulance arrived at our house. The sirens were blaring and I never pictured this moment to happen.

Dylan carried Sofia downstairs and the paramedics put her on a stretcher and put an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. They then put her in the ambulance and drove away.

Dylan and I stood in the driveway, in our pajamas, and I pulled him into an embrace. I hid my face in his chest, and he leaned his head on mine and we both cried.

After comforting each other, we drove to the hospital where Sofia was.

When we arrived, we ran inside and I said to the receptionist, "Hi, we are the parents of Sofia O'Brien, which room is she in?"

The receptionist replied by saying, "Room 412."

"Thank you," I said as Dylan and I ran to 412.

When we arrived, she was in a hospital gown, and she was covered in blood. It was dripping out of her nose and her mouth and it wasn't stopping.

We ran to both sides of her bed and held her hands.

"We're here, Sofia, we're here..." Dylan said and his voice was shaky.

The doctor came up to us and said, "We are going to need to give her some medications so she will be unconscious. After that, we will need to find out what's wrong, so you'll have to wait in the waiting room."

Dylan and I looked at each other, then he said, "Thank you, doctor."

Once the medication was given, we walked out of her room and into the waiting room. It was completely empty because it was only 2:30 am.

We were holding hands and my head rested on Dylan's shoulder.

After a few minutes of silence, I asked, "What do you think is wrong?"

"I...I don't know..." Dylan said and got choked up.

I lifted my head and cupped my hands around his face and turned his head so we were face to face. His eyes were red and puffy from the crying and I said, "She's going to be okay... she's strong, she'll-" I got choked up and Dylan pulled me into a hug.

It was 3:00, it has only been half an hour, but it felt like an eternity.

Then the doctor came out and said, "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien. The news you're about to hear changing," she said. She took a deep breath and continued, "Your daughter has been diagnosed with leukemia..."

I didn't hear what else she was saying, my hearing went out and my vision started to get blurry, it was as if everything was in slow motion.

"Nicole?" I heard Dylan say. He rubbed his hands up and down my arms.

I slowly looked towards Dylan and said, "Leukemia? Our little Sofia has leukemia?"

He nodded and the doctor said, "When you're ready, you may come in to visit her, but she is still unconscious." And then she walked away.

I took a deep breath and Dylan and I stood up. He took my hand and said, "No matter what happens, we have to stay strong and make Sofia as comfortable as possible..." I pulled him into an embrace and then pulled away. Then we made our way to her room.

When we entererd and I immediately saw her lifeless body laying on the hospital bed. I walked over to her and took her hand and kissed it.

"She should be waking up any minute now," the doctor said and I nodded.

Sofia's eyed started to flutter open, and Dylan said, "Good morning my princess."

A smile formed on her face and the doctor gently took off her oxygen mask.

I sat down in a chair next to her bed and said, "How are you doing?"

A tear slid down her face and said, "I'm okay..."

"Come here," I said and gave her a hug. Then Dylan joined in and when we were hugging her, it felt like I could've stayed like that forever.

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