What have I done?

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Aurora hesitated as she followed her friend into the auction place. They were there to get Ashley a new horse, after her old one had to be retired she wanted one that wasn't one of these expensive horses, she wanted to 'rescue' one and train it. Aurora still wanted nothing to do with riding but knew she had to support her friend. Head hung low she followed her friend from pen to pen. Suddenly a loud whinny caught her attention. Jerking her head up she looked over to see a beautiful buckskin horse being pushed into a pen. The geldings eyes showed fear and anger as he reared and fought against the restraints. "I definitely don't want that one." Ashley chuckled as she looked at a bay mare. "Come on lets go get our bidding numbers and grab some seats." She added and dragged Aurora away from the holding pens. Glancing back at the wild horse her eyes landed on the crazy horse, and her heart leapt into her throat at the sight. Something inside of the girl told her that she needed to buy him.

They were seated as the auction started and Ashley bid on a few but hadn't won any yet. As a beautiful paint horse was sold the gelding was run through the chute. Aurora's eyes didn't leave as he galloped wildly. She found her hand raising slowly, but she couldn't seem to bring it back down. "Hundred." The girl called loudly. Suddenly everyone's eyes on her. She was well known around here and pretty much everyone knew that she didn't want anything to do with horses anymore. Surprised by this no one bid against her and the auctioneer ended the bidding. Shocked at what she just did she sighed and rubbed her face. Shaking her head she put her head in her hands for the rest of the auction.

After the auction was over she soberly followed Ashley to were the horses were in the holding pen. A stout and nervous mare stood in one and nickered slightly moving away from the girls. Aurora's new gelding whinnied loudly again and bucked around the pen for a minute causing a spectacle at which several people stopped to watch. Aurora's eyes flitted nervously as Ashley and her boyfriend backed the trailer up to the first corral to load the mare. Once the flighty quarter horse mare was loaded they moved to tackle the big problem of getting the wild horse in. Slowly the trailer was backed up to the gate and the gate opened. One of the men from the auction used a flag on a stick to herd the gelding onto the trailer. Rearing the horse bolted to the ramp before stopping dead at the entrance. Going to the front Aurora opened the front door area to let light in. Seeing this and the man advancing on him the gelding hopped up into the trailer with the mare. He pawed and snorted nervously as the door was closed and Aurora felt her heart ache with pain for the horse. Hopping in the car she leaned back against the seat and closed her eyes with a pained sigh. The twenty five year old woman was filled to the brim with mixed emotions, regret, excitement and anxiety. "What have I done?"

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